Date              : 30.04.2024
Classes          : III-IV
Theme           : International Earth Day

“From blank paper to a vessel of words—envelopes are origami for the soul.”

Recycling and reusing materials are some of the most effective methods to safeguard our planet. In observance of Earth Day, students of grades 3 and 4 engaged in an envelope-making activity using old wedding or party cards, which served as a delightful and educational means to explore the concept of sustainability.

Envelope crafting served as an engaging and educational experience for third and fourth-grade students. This activity fostered their artistic expression, creativity, and practical life skills development. By repurposing old wedding cards into envelopes, they gained valuable insights into the significance of recycling and the fulfillment of creating something novel.

The activity was designed to spark the imaginations of our young artists. Under the guidance of their teachers, the students embarked on a creative adventure, utilizing their artistic talents to transform old wedding cards into unique and personalized envelopes by adding their own special touches and decorations.

The students enthusiastically participated in the envelope-making activity. It was a delightful sight to witness their young minds at work. This activity not only fostered their creativity but also imparted the value of resourcefulness and reusing materials.

Here’s a result table highlighting the best three entries from students of grade III and IV based on neatness, creativity and originality.

S.No. Name of Student Respective Class
1. Lavin Prasad Singh III E
2. Vaasvi Singh III D
3. Aavya Srivastava III A
S.No. Name of Student Respective Class
1. Aahana IV A
2. Harman Kaur IV D
3. Agrim Goyal IV C


Bal Sabha Activity Report - Envelope making

Date     :   10.04.24

Classes :   I& II

Theme :   World Health Day

“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind, and spirit.”

Introducing primary students to World Health Day holds paramount importance in fostering a lifelong commitment to well-being. This global observance offers a unique opportunity to instill awareness and understanding of health-related issues from an early age. Empowering students at the foundational stage with this knowledge not only promotes healthier life styles but also cultivates a generation of informed global citizens invested in collective well-being.

On World Health Day, primary students engaged in a vibrant paper pasting activity aimed at promoting awareness about healthy lifestyles. They were guided to paste the paper cutouts in fruits and vegetables and draw sleeping lines to represent water in the drawing of a water bottle.

Through this hands-on experience, the students not only showcased their creativity but also learned about the significance of nutritious diet and physical activity for overall well-being.

Through this activity conducted on World Health Day, students gained knowledge about various fruits and their nutritional benefits, fostering awareness of healthy food choices. They also developed fine motor skills and creativity while creating vibrant fruit collages, promoting artistic expression and appreciation for wholesome eating habits.





Date       :  10/04/24

Classes   :  III-V

Theme   :  Our School, Our Joy

Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.”- Edgar Degas

The Bal Sabha activity titled “Our School, Our Joy” was conducted on April 10, 2024 to encourage students to express their joy and pride for their school through the art of poster making.

The activity was organized for the students of classes III-V where students had the opportunity to reflect on their school experiences and translate those emotions into art. All the students eagerly participated in the activity, exhibiting creativity as they sketched and coloured on the A-4 sized sheets.

The posters well-presented students’ love for their school and a unique perspective of each child. It was mesmerizing to witness that the posters depicted various elements of school which hold significance for each child such as swimming pool, playground, lunch boxes, books, friends, teachers, classroom, trophy and much more. The posters were not just visually striking but deeply meaningful as well.

The activity was a rich experience which enhanced not just artistic and creative skills but strengthened a sense of belonging in students. The tinted sheets stood as a testimony of the fact that the school is a nurturing and safe space for the students. The activity was successful in establishing the power of art to inspire, unite and uplift.

Report-Our School Our Joy- Classes III-V


Report-Our School Our Joy- Classes III-V