Date of the Event: 07/08/24

Venue: In the respective classrooms

Incharges: Class Teachers of Class I

Purpose: The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 emphasizes on innovative and experiential learning methods and Bagless Day aligns perfectly with this vision. By promoting Bagless Day, NEP encourages schools to adopt creative approaches to education, moving beyond traditional classroom settings. At Bal Bharati Public School, the best school in Noida, we provide students with a unique opportunity to learn through hands-on activities, creativity and environmental awareness.

Highlights of the Event:

Playful Conversations:

Students engaged in a creative activity, crafting stick puppets from wooden spoons and using them to enact everyday conversations. By incorporating personal pronouns such as ‘I’, ‘you’ and ‘we’, they transformed simple dialogues into captivating performances. This fun activity blended grammar lessons, speaking practice, and play-based learning seamlessly, fostering a natural understanding and use of pronouns. By discussing topics related to themselves and their peers, students were able to meaningfully apply their understanding of pronouns in a stimulating context.

Clay Matras

To solidify their understanding of Hindi consonants (vyanjans) and vowel modifiers (matras), students participated in a hands-on classroom activity using clay. By sculpting the clay into various consonants and matras, they were able to enhance their comprehension through a tactile and creative learning experience. This interactive approach not only provided conceptual clarity but also improved their fine motor skills. By integrating learning with play, the activity provided a memorable and effective means of understanding matras and vyanjans, thus surpassing conventional teaching methods.

Shapes Exploration

Students explored the solid shapes provided in the Math Kit and accurately identified each shape by name. They were able to connect these shapes to everyday objects in their surroundings. The identified shapes included a cone, cylinder, cuboid, cube, and sphere. This hands-on activity enabled students to physically interact with the various dimensions of each shape, thereby deepening their comprehension of three-dimensional objects. They greatly appreciated the interactive nature of the lesson, which made learning geometry both engaging and enjoyable.

Celebrate and Create

Students created vivid drawings of their favourite festivals and adorned them with vibrant colours. They expressed their thoughts about their selected festivals in a few sentences. The activity commenced with a lively song, followed by a discussion on the diverse types of festivals celebrated in India. To conclude, a video showcasing festivals was presented in the class.  This activity not only refined speaking skills but also nurtured cognitive development, stimulated creativity and enhanced motor skills. It offered a forum for children to cultivate self-assurance as they enthusiastically participated and relished sharing their personal experiences with their favourite festivals.

Conclusion: Bagless Day was a tremendous success, offering students a distinctive and engaging learning experience. Through creative endeavours, we fostered cognitive development, ignited imagination and elevated environmental consciousness, establishing a benchmark for future events

Bagless Day

Bagless Day-August-ClassI


BAGLESS DAY REPORT  Class: II  Date: 07/08/2024

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 emphasizes innovative and experiential learning methods, and Bagless Day aligns perfectly with this vision. By promoting Bagless Day, NEP encourages schools to adopt creative approaches to education, moving beyond traditional classroom settings. We provide students with a unique opportunity to learn through hands-on activities, creativity, and environmental awareness.

Bagless Day Activities – Class II

Bagging a difference: Students craft eco-friendly bags

On Bagless Day, our school community came together to promote environmental awareness and creativity through various activities, with a highlight being the making of newspaper bags. Students enthusiastically collected old newspapers and glue, learning to fold, cut, and glue them into sturdy, reusable bags. Through this initiative, we inspired a new generation of eco-conscious individuals, empowering them to make a positive impact on their surroundings inspiring a lifelong commitment to environmental stewardship.

Tying Up A Greener Future

Shin Activity: Cultivating self-awareness and serenity

Our school community embarked on a unique learning experience, exploring innovative activities that promoted mental growth and environmental awareness. One of the highlights was the Shin activity, a mindfulness-based exercise that focused on self-awareness, relaxation, and mental well-being. Students participated in guided meditation, cultivating a sense of calm and clarity. By integrating mindfulness, we inspired a new generation of leaders to thrive in harmony with themselves and the world around them. The students along with the teachers celebrated a unique blend of learning and fun, exploring innovative activities that promoted mental growth and environmental awareness.

Heel To Toe For A Sustainable Future

The caterpillar calendar: Students master Hindi days of the week

One of the creative highlights was learning the days of the week in Hindi using a caterpillar model, where students crafted a colourful caterpillar with seven segments, each representing a day of the week, labelled in Hindi. The students immersed in a dynamic learning experience, exploring innovative activities that promoted mental growth and environmental awareness.

Weekday Wisdom

Wordscapes: Exploring adjectives in our surroundings

One of the engaging highlights was the "Adjectives from the World Around You" activity, where students ventured out to observe and describe their surroundings using vivid adjectives, fostering their vocabulary and observation skills. They noted the vibrant colours of flowers, the intricate patterns on leaves, and the diverse textures of tree bark, compiling a rich tapestry of descriptive words.

Word Wanderers


The Bagless Day was a resounding success, offering students a unique and engaging learning experience. By incorporating innovative activities, we fostered mental growth, creativity, and environmental awareness, setting a benchmark for future events.

Bagless Day

Bagless Day- Class II- Report