

It is with great pride that we present our e-magazine, 'Important Amendments of the Indian Constitution', compiled and curated by the Department of Political Science, Bal Bharati Public School, Noida.

This magazine serves as an insightful resource, highlighting the most significant constitutional amendments that have shaped India’s democratic framework since Independence. Through in-depth analysis and student contributions, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of how these amendments have influenced governance, rights, and policymaking over the years.

Within its pages, you will find well-researched articles, thought-provoking discussions, and perspectives from our students and faculty members. Each contribution reflects the dedication and intellectual curiosity of our students, who have worked diligently to explore the evolving nature of our Constitution.

e-magazine, “The Lexovate 1.0”

We are delighted to present our legal studies e-magazine, “The Lexovate 1.0”, accessible at

The title, a fusion of “Lex” (Latin for law) and “innovate,” encapsulates our mission to revolutionize legal knowledge, stay abreast of contemporary legal trends, and enhance accessibility through innovation.

Our aim is to cultivate critical thinking and legal reasoning skills among students. The magazine’s sections—Lexpedition Through Time, Noteworthy Verdicts, Lex Odyssey, Legalis Cinema, and Neo Lex—offer a comprehensive exploration of the ever-evolving legal landscape.

Notably, we shed light on significant developments such as the reinterpretation of the Goddess of Justice by former Chief Justice of India (CJI) D.Y. Chandrachud, who replaced the traditional blindfolded figure with a six-foot-tall sculpture holding scales in one hand and the Constitution in the other, adorned in a sari and sans blindfold.   Additionally, we discuss the transformation within the Indian judiciary through the introduction of the Supreme Court’s ‘War Room’, a state-of-the-art facility equipped with technology that allows real-time monitoring of judicial data across the country, inaugurated under CJI Chandrachud’s supervision.

Vanijya”, Commerce Department’s Annual Magazine

The third edition of “Vanijya”, Commerce Department’s annual magazine, aims to build upon strong foundations set by the previous edition. The magazine inculcates the young minds and imbibes  habits of thinking and writing by providing a platform to present their creative, productive and innovative ideas and thoughts pertaining to every walk of life.

View Vanijya

The Scholar Badge Ceremony is a cornerstone of our school's tradition, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and celebrating academic excellence. It serves as an inspiration for all students to achieve their highest potential and fosters a culture of striving for excellence.

We are thrilled to announce the release of "The Scholars Showcase 2023-24," a magazine that captures the rich fabric of our students' academic achievements. Within its pages, you will find a celebration of excellence.

 This edition includes the inspiring words of our Chief Guest, Ms. Rekha Sharma, Advisor, CES, and Member of the School SMC. Her words resonated deeply with all present, inspiring us to strive for excellence in all our endeavors. We were also honored to have Mr. Soumitra Dey as our Guest of Honour, whose presence and words served as a source of great motivation for our students.

To further enhance your viewing experience, we have included QR codes to the recording of the Chief Guest’s speech. Simply scan the QR codes with your smartphone or tablet to enjoy the vibrant performances by our talented students.

We hope you enjoy perusing "The Scholars Showcase" and look forward to your valuable comments on the recently concluded Scholar Badge Ceremony 2024.

" Creativity is the spark that transforms dreams into reality, breathing life into imagination, revealing unseen possibilities within the familiar"

We are extremely happy and proud to bring to you the Annual School Journal, Sagarika for the session 2023-24.

Each year, Sagarika opens a window into the vibrant world of our thriving school community. It's not just a collection of write ups, it's a testament to the creativity, intellect, and talent that thrives within the hallowed portals of the school. Beyond students, the magazine also connects parents, teachers and our illustrious alumni thus fostering a supportive community. Hope you all enjoy reading the magazine, the link for which is given below.

Sagarika - Annual Journal of School Events, Noida

Happy Pi Day!

In celebration of this special mathematical occasion, we're thrilled to share with you the latest edition of Mathoscope - 4.0 This flip book is a fantastic resource filled with engaging content that highlights the significance of various mathematical concepts in our lives.

Click the link below to explore Mathoscope 4.0 with your child and discover the wonders of mathematics together:

Happy Pi Day

The second edition of “Vanijya”, Commerce Department’s Annual Magazine , aims to build upon strong foundations set by the previous edition. The magazine inculcates the young minds and imbibes in them habits of thinking and writing by providing a platform to present their creative, productive and innovative ideas and thoughts pertaining to every walk of life.

Vanijya 2.0 The Commerce Department Annual Magazine

Deमिथयाfy - e- magazine

Dear Parent

We are glad to present Deमिथयाfy a captivating e-magazine created by the HUMANITIES students of Bal Bharati Public School, Noida.

India has remained one of the most prominent proponents of the SDGs, since the Vedic Period. The ancient wisdom of the Vedas and the profound concept of Pancha Koshas - knowledge of the five layers of our existence, finds resonance and support in today's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Both the Vedas and Pancha Koshas, emphasize the interconnectedness of human life and the environment, promoting a holistic approach to personal well-being and global sustainability. By aligning these timeless teachings with the modern-day SDGs, we draw inspiration to address the pressing challenges of our time.

The team of Deमिथयाfy has tried to reflect these aspirations and bridge the realms of legal studies, political science, and financial literacy. Our vision is to stimulate intellectual curiosity and foster a profound understanding of the dynamic interplay between human society, need of financial independence and the legal landscape. By exploring thought-provoking articles, captivating creativity and insightful connections of Sustainable Development Goals and Pancha Koshas from the Vedas, we empower readers to grasp the intricate connections between politics, law, and financial markets.

Our magazine strives to be a compass guiding readers through the labyrinth of complex social challenges, empowering them with knowledge to shape a just and prosperous future and imbibe true humanity within.

I hope you enjoy going through the articles as much as we have enjoyed creating them.

Humanly yours,

Janhavi Tandon & Navya Thapliyal
Student Editors
C/o Asha Prabhakar
Principal, Bal Bharati Public School, Noida


Sagarika School Magazine - Download

हमें आज विद्यालय के 32वें स्थापना दिवस के शुभ अवसर पर ‘जागृति’ वार्षिक हिंदी पत्रिका के चतुर्थ संस्करण (सत्र 2022 -2023) को प्रकाशित करते हुए अत्यंत हर्ष की अनुभूति हो रही हैI यह पत्रिका हिंदी साहित्य की महान लेखिका सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान जी को समर्पित हैI

इस पत्रिका में संकलित सामग्री सतत विकास लक्ष्य के आधार पर प्रस्तुत की गई है, जिसे छात्रों ने अपनी रचनात्मकता, अभिव्यक्ति कौशल व नई सोच के माध्यम से प्रस्तुत किया हैI हमारा विद्यालय निरंतर प्रगतिशील दृष्टिकोण अपनाते हुए छात्रों के चहुँमुखी विकास के लिए सदैव प्रयत्नशील रहा हैI

मुझे आशा है कि आपको हिंदी पत्रिका का यह अंक ज्ञानवर्धक एवं रोचक लगेगा और भविष्य में इसमें यथोचित सुधार हेतु आपके अमूल्य सुझाव सादर आमंत्रित हैंI

Newsletter, Vol-1, International Yoga Day

‘The impact of a teacher touches eternity ‘

Life of a child is not a package deal, it is filled with the colours ,sights ,sounds ,the pipes and drums of the growing up years ,which make him or her ready to take up the challenges of life.
In our commitment to prepare students for life , we release the e- magazine of our commerce department, VANIJYA on the occasion of Teachers day .

The entire magazine has been conceptualised and designed by the students under the guidance of the teachers. The magazine highlights the effect of pandemic on the Indian economy.

VANIJYA- The Commerce Magazine 

I am delighted to announce the release of 'Mathoscope 3.0' on Pi Day, March 14th. This magazine is dedicated to provide engaging content for math enthusiasts of all ages.

As you may already know, Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant Pi (л), which is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. There couldn't be a better day to release the magazine, and dive into the fascinating world of math with Mathoscope 3.0.

This magazine is an initiative by BBPS Noida to prepare our students to adopt and absorb experiential learning, at a time marked with constant and unpredictable changes.

Highlighting the unseen challenges of the future and to bring forth the innovative solutions designed by the participating young teenpreneurs, the magazine speaks volume on exploring new ideas.

Celebrating innovation, creativity and collaboration, we bring to you the glimpses of the array of activities undertaken by the students.

We hope you enjoy reading Mathoscope 3.0 as much as we enjoyed creating it!

Happy Pie Day!

Mathoscope 3.0 is a tribute to the great Mathematician Ramanujan

“An equation for me has no meaning unless it expresses a thought of God.”
Bal Bharati Public School, Noida is remembering "Indian Mathematical Genius" Srinivasa Ramanujan on his 135th birth anniversary on 22nd December 2022. Let us all acknowledge and honour the contributions made by Srinivasa Ramanujan in the field of Mathematics by celebrating Mathematics Day not only today but every day.

Mathematics Magazine

Mathoscope 3.0 is a tribute to the great Mathematician Ramanujan.

Mathoscope 3.0 Flip Book

Today human society stands at an important crossroads where educational pedagogy keeps changing. To keep up with the changing time, we present before you the spectrum of thoughts, ideas and creativity capturing the educational advancements in the field of mathematics through this Newsletter.  -  Georg Cantor

Please join us in our mathematical journey by flicking through the pages of this newsletter.

Maths Newsletter

A country as diverse as India is symbolized by the plurality of its culture and arts. Our country has one of the world’s largest collections of folk traditions, rites and rituals, paintings and writings -the ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage’ (ICH) of humanity.

We take pride in bringing forth some of the beautiful art forms of India, brought to life by the paint brushes of our talented children, in our e magazine ANUKRITI

These paintings trace our indigenous art forms, from different parts of India, Madhubani from Bihar, Worli from Maharashtra, Kalighat from Bengal, Phad and Miniature paintings from Rajasthan, Patachitra painting from Orissa, Gond art from Madhya Pradesh and many more.   They represent a set of shared attitudes, values, goals and practices.

These art works have helped us create more understanding amongst the children, about the diversity of India and have acted as a great instrument of harmony and social associativity.

Click to Enlarge Anukriti

Please find below the link of the Digital Newsletter ‘नवयुग’  published by the Hindi Department of the Primary Wing of Bal Bharati Public School, Noida for the session 2021-22.

You are requested to click on the link and scroll down the pages to view the content of the magazine.

We wish entire Bal Bharati Parivar a prosperous and a Happy New Year 2022. 

Bal Bharati Public School Noida (Primary Wing), releases its first ever "AI & Technology" themed newsletter.

Kindly click the link for perusing the e-newsletter.

As you scroll down the newsletter, kindly click on the videos, stacks (cluster of photos) and links provided in order to explore more about the activities undertaken by the students and teachers, to build a strong foundation of AI and Technology.


A tribute to the Pride of the Nation - the great Mathematician , Srinivasa Ramanujam Iyengar, on his 133 rd Birth Anniversary.

Mathoscope - Mathematics E-Magazine - View e-Magazine 

E-Zine Class 11D Magazine  - View Magazine

Digital Magazine 2020 - View Magazine