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Hindi Divas

हिंदी दिवस

माँ की लोरी जिसमें बसती,
पिता का सुरक्षा कवच है जो I
देश की माटी की सोंधी सुगंध है जिसमें,
वीरों की प्रशस्ति गान है जो I
केवल भाव ही नहीं विज्ञान भी है,
हर भारतीय की पहचान भी है I
साँसों में है रची-बसी जो हमारे,
वो हिंदी है और वही अभिमान भी हैI

देश को एकता के सूत्र में बाँधने वाली भाषा हिंदी को 14 सितंबर का दिन समर्पित है I हिंदी के सम्मान में इस दिन को हिंदी दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता हैI सरल, सहज और सुगम भाषा होने के साथ-साथ हिंदी विश्व की संभवत: सबसे वैज्ञानिक भाषा है I आइए हम सब मिलकर इसके प्रचार-प्रसार में सहयोग दें और इस पर अभिमान करेंI

Hindi Divas

Mother's lullaby resides in it,

Which is the protective shield of father.

In which there is the sweet fragrance of the soil of the country,

Which is the praise of the heroes.

It is not only emotion but also science,

It is the identity of every Indian.

What is embedded in our breath,

That is Hindi and that is also our pride.

14th September is dedicated to Hindi, the language that binds the country in the thread of unity. This day is celebrated as Hindi Day in honor of Hindi. Along with being a simple, easy and accessible language, Hindi is probably the most scientific language of the world. Let us all cooperate in its promotion and take pride in it.


School Event & Activities

Hindi ranks as the world's fourth most-spoken language

हिंदी-दिवस रिपोर्ट 

हिंदी-दिवस के उपलक्ष्य पर नौएडा के शीर्ष सी बी एस ई स्कूल, बाल भारती पब्लिक स्कूल, नौएडा में दिनांक 12 सितंबर, 2024 को ‘विश्व-पटल पर हिंदी-भाषा – एक संबोधन’ विषय पर माध्यमिक तथा सेकेंडरी (VIII & IX) कक्षाओं के लिए एक व्याख्यान का सफल आयोजन किया गया। कार्यक्रम हेतु माननीय वक्ता के रूप में उपस्थित थे- जाने-माने लेखक एवं मोतीलाल नेहरू कॉलेज के पूर्व प्राचार्य, डॉ.सुरेशचंद्र शर्मा। उप- प्रधानाचार्या महोदया श्रीमती अनुपमा मोटवानी ने पुष्प-गुच्छ भेंट करके महोदय का अभिनंदन किया।

माननीय महोदय ने हिंदी भाषा के आविर्भाव से लेकर वर्तमान में हिंदी भाषा के रूप-स्वरूप से छात्रों का परिचय करवाते हुए जन-मानस में प्रचलित हिंदी-भाषा का महत्त्व छात्रों को समझाया। इसके अंतर्गत दृश्य-श्रव्य संचार के माध्यमों, रेडियो और टेलीविजन पर प्रचलित विज्ञापनों, फिल्मों एवं धारावाहिकों की कथा-पटकथा, संवाद-लेखन, अनुवाद, सरकारी नौकरियों के साथ-साथ विदेशों तथा विभिन्न दूतावासों में हिंदी भाषा के क्षेत्र में उपलब्ध सुनहरे अवसरों से परिचित करवाकर उनका उत्साह बढ़ाया।

छात्रों के लिए प्रश्नोत्तरी-सत्र भी बहुत ज्ञानवर्धक रहा। मान्यवर ने उनके प्रश्नों के उत्तर देते हुए उनकी जिज्ञासाओं का उचित मार्गदर्शन किया। इस संदर्भ में हमारे जाने-माने स्कूल - बाल भारती पब्लिक स्कूल, नौएडा  कक्षा नवीं ‘अ’ की छात्रा क्षीरजा प्रसाद के मुख से:-

“मान्यवर महोदय ने मेरे मन की जिज्ञासा को सही दिशा प्रदान करते हुए समझाया कि वर्तमान में हिंदी-भाषा का कठिन रूप नहीं बल्कि सरलतम रूप अपनाते हुए, आम बोलचाल की भाषा का प्रयोग सर्वथा मान्य है। इसलिए खूब खुलकर सरल शब्दों का प्रयोग कीजिए और इसे बोलने में कोई शर्म मत कीजिए।

व्याख्यान के अंत में मुख्याध्यापिका (वरिष्ठ-वर्ग) श्रीमती अमिता गंजू ने डॉ.सुरेशचंद्र शर्मा जी का आभार प्रकट करते हुए छात्रों को हिंदी-भाषा की महत्ता को आत्मसात करने हेतु प्रोत्साहित किया।

Hindi Diwas Report


On 12th September 2024, Bal Bharati Public School, one of the best schools in Noida, celebrated Hindi Diwas with great enthusiasm and grandeur. The event, themed ‘Hindi-Bhasha – An Abyss,’ was an enlightening experience for the students of Class VIII and IX. The gathering was graced by the distinguished guest, the former Principal of Motilal Nehru College, Dr. Suresh Chandra Sharma. The Vice Principal of the school, Ms Anupama Motwani, welcomed the guest with floral felicitation.

The celebration began with a hearty welcome, acknowledging the significance of the Hindi language in our cultural fabric. Dr. Sharma delivered an inspiring address, shedding light on the evolution of Hindi from its ancient roots to its current status as a vibrant medium of communication. His discourse was rich with insights, emphasizing the importance of Hindi in various fields such as literature, media, and public service. Dr Sharma elaborated on how Hindi serves as a bridge connecting diverse communities, there by fostering unity in diversity.

The event conducted by Bal Bharati Public School, Noida, one of the best CBSE schools in Noida also aimed to enhance students’ appreciation for Hindi by introducing them to the numerous opportunities available within the language’s domain. Dr. Sharma highlighted potential career paths in areas like script writing, translation, and broadcasting, thereby igniting enthusiasm among students for pursuing Hindi professionally. The role of Hindi in advertisements, films, and the growing influence of digital platforms were discussed, making the session particularly relevant in today’s context.

A quiz session was conducted , further engaging students and apprising them about Hindi literature and its distinctive features. . Dr Sharma, a noted language expert, facilitated this interactive segment, guiding students towards deeper understanding.

The event concluded with an encouraging words of the Head Mistress (Senior Wing) Mrs. Amita Ganjoo. On behalf of Bal Bharati Public School, Noida,she expressed heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Sharma and emphasized the importance of nurturing a love for Hindi among the students. Her words resonated deeply, motivating the audience to embrace the spirit of the language and to strive for excellence in their linguistic endeavors.

The Hindi Diwas celebration at Bal Bharati Public School ,school with best infrastructure in Noida ,not only commemorated the significance of the Hindi language but also reinforced the school’s commitment to fostering a love for cultural heritage among its students. This event underscored Bal Bharati Public School’s reputation as one of the best CBSE schools, dedicated to holistic education and personal

School Event & Activities


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World Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day 2024

Today, we come together to raise awareness and offer support on World Suicide Prevention Day. Remember, no matter how dark the path may seem, there is always hope, and you are never alone in your journey.

Reaching out for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

"Even the darkest night will end, and the sun will rise." — Victor Hugo

If you or someone you know is struggling, please seek help. There are people who care and are ready to listen. You matter.


School Event and Activities

World Suicide Prevention Day

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Swachhata Pakhwada

Swachhata Pakhwada

Hygiene begins with clean hands.

Swachhata Pakhwada, celebrated from 1st to 15th September 2024, emphasizes the vital role of cleanliness and sanitation among students, encouraging them to maintain and uphold good hygiene practices.

Hand Wash Day is dedicated to underscoring the significance of frequent handwashing in maintaining cleanliness.

On this occasion, let us commit to proactive measures for hand hygiene.

Remember, "Your hands are in your control – let them be a tool for health, not harm."

🌍👐 Today On Handwashing Day of Swachhata Pakhwada, let’s pledge for a cleaner tomorrow! 👐🌍

"Your hands are in your control – let them be a tool for health, not harm."

Join the movement and make handwashing a daily habit for a healthier, safer community.

#HandwashingDay #SwachhataPakhwada #CleanHandsBetterHealth


School Event and Activities

Swachhata Pakhwada

Swachhata Pakhwada

Good health begins with personal hygiene.

Personal Hygiene Day focuses on the importance of maintaining cleanliness in our daily lives. Practicing good personal hygiene not only protects us from illness but also fosters self-respect.

On this day, let's commit to basic hygiene practices such as bathing regularly, brushing teeth, trimming our nails and wearing clean clothes.

Remember, "Cleanliness is not just an act—it's a reflection of your respect for yourself and those around you."

School Event and Activities

Hygiene : your first line of defence

Swachhata Pakhwada

Cleanliness is an attitude. Let’s make India a truly civilised nation.

Swachhata Pakhwada, observed from September 1st to 15th, 2024, highlights the crucial importance of cleanliness and sanitation among students, urging them to uphold exemplary hygiene practices.

The Swachhata School Exhibition Day is dedicated to emphasizing the significance of cleanliness and showcasing effective strategies to maintain a pristine environment.

On this day, let us pledge to adopt proactive measures to ensure our surroundings remain immaculate and hygienic.


School Event and Activities

Swachhata School Exhibition Day

Swachhata Pakhwada

"Small actions, big impact! Be a part of the Swachhta Action Drive and make every step count."

Swachhta Action Day is a powerful opportunity for us to step forward and make a meaningful difference. It’s time we come together, bringing creative and effective solutions that can be implemented for lasting change. This is a chance for young leaders like you to be the driving force behind a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future. Let’s take responsibility, inspire others, and build a legacy of cleanliness and care.

School Event and Activities

Swachhta Action Plan


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International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day

"Education is the most powerful weapon with which you can change the world." ~Nelson Mandela

International Literacy Day, observed on September 8, 2024, stands as a powerful reminder that literacy is not just a fundamental human right but also a cornerstone of human dignity. This year's theme, "Promoting multilingual education: Literacy for mutual understanding and peace," underscores the crucial role literacy plays in fostering connection and empathy across diverse cultures.
Multilingual education is key to unlocking the potential of individuals from various linguistic backgrounds. It strengthens global peace by bridging cultural divides.

As we celebrate this significant day, let us renew our commitment together, through shared dedication to multilingual education, and we build a more inclusive world rooted in mutual respect and harmony.

School Event & Activities

International Literacy Day, observed on September 8, 2024, stands as a powerful reminder that literacy is not just a fundamental human right but also a cornerstone of human dignity
Internatioal Literacy Day

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Ganesh Chaturthi

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi! May Lord Ganesha guide you through new beginnings and bring success to all your endeavours. Celebrate this auspicious day with joy and devotion.

Festivals and Celebrations

Ganesh Chaturthi


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Bal Bharati Hackathon 1.0


Bal Bharati Public School Noida Hosts Inaugural Bal Bharati Hackathon 1.0

The Tech Council of the Child Education Society has launched the first-ever Bal Bharati Hackathon 1.0, marking a new era of innovation and technological prowess within the Bal Bharati Public School network. The event is being hosted by Bal Bharati Public School, Noida, on the 24th and 25th of October 2024.

This two-day event has garnered immense enthusiasm, with 23 units of Bal Bharati Public Schools from across India coming together to submit an impressive total of 85 project ideas. After rigorous evaluation, 76 teams have been shortlisted for the final round, where they will compete for top honors.

The Hackathon aims to inspire students to harness the power of technology and creative thinking to solve real-world problems. Teams will present their innovative ideas and prototypes, showcasing skills in coding, design, and project development. These young innovators will also have the opportunity to receive mentorship from industry experts and network with peers from various Bal Bharati schools.

The competition underscores the commitment of the Child Education Society to foster an environment of experiential learning and technological advancement in its schools.As the participants gear up for this exciting challenge, the entire Bal Bharati family eagerly awaits the groundbreaking solutions that will emerge from this maiden Hackathon. The event promises not only to be a celebration of technological talent but also a stepping stone for students toward becoming future leaders in innovation.

The first Bal Bharati Hackathon 1.0 is set to become a milestone event, as it brings together some of the brightest young minds from across the country, all united by a shared vision of technological progress and societal impact.

best school in Uttar Pradesh

Bal Bharati Hackathon 1.0

We are thrilled to introduce the inaugural Bal Bharati Hackathon 1.0, organized under the aegis of the Tech Council, CES.

This Hackathon is an opportunity for Bal Bharati schools to showcase skills, creativity and passion for technology in a collaborative environment. During the Hackathon, students will have the opportunity to collaborate with talented peers from sister units to develop innovative and practical solutions to real-world challenges. All participants will have access to cutting-edge tools and technologies to help transform their ideas into reality.

It is our great honor to announce that Dr. Rajiv Kumar, former Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog, has graciously consented to be the keynote speaker for the virtual launch ceremony, scheduled for 11th September 2024 at 11:00 a.m.

Inter School Activities

Bal Bharati Hackathon 1.0, organized under the aegis of the Tech Council, CES.


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Youth parliament 1.0 (Sankalpneeti)

Sankalpneeti 1.0- the Youth Parliament

It is with great pleasure that I extend a cordial invitation to your esteemed institution to partake in an event of profound significance and intellectual Rigour, Sankalpneeti 1.0- the Youth Parliament. This forum has been meticulously crafted to engage the brightest young minds in the incisive exploration of contemporary issues, guiding them toward the formulation of innovative and actionable policies. 

Scheduled for the 09th of October, 2024, Sankalpneeti stands as a beacon of civic consciousness, a crucible where eloquence in public discourse meets the art of collaborative problem-solving. Through this event, we aim to cultivate an elevated sense of civic responsibility among the youth, enhance their public speaking prowess, and provide them with an unparalleled understanding of the parliamentary processes that shape our society. 

We are confident that the students of your institution would find immense value in this enriching experience. Their participation would undoubtedly infuse the event with fresh perspectives and contribute to the robust and vibrant discussions that Sankalpneeti aspires to host. Moreover, this platform will offer them a rare glimpse into the intricacies of governance and the vital role of active citizenship in today’s world. 

Enclosed herein, you will find comprehensive details regarding the event, including the brochure, registration procedures, and participation guidelines. We would be deeply honored to welcome a delegation from your school to join us in this intellectual journey, where their ideas and insights will be most cherished.  Kindly register using the provided link https://linktr.ee/sankalpneeti

Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Sankalpneeti 1.0 Brochure



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Happy Teacher’s Day

Happy Teachers Day

"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." - Albert Einstein.  Happy Teachers Day.


Festivals and Celebrations

Teacher's Day is a special day for the appreciation of teachers.
Happy Teacher's Day

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BAGLESS DAY REPORT  Class: II  Date: 07/08/2024

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 emphasizes innovative and experiential learning methods, and Bagless Day aligns perfectly with this vision. By promoting Bagless Day, NEP encourages schools to adopt creative approaches to education, moving beyond traditional classroom settings. We provide students with a unique opportunity to learn through hands-on activities, creativity, and environmental awareness.

Bagless Day Activities – Class II

Bagging a difference: Students craft eco-friendly bags

On Bagless Day, our school community came together to promote environmental awareness and creativity through various activities, with a highlight being the making of newspaper bags. Students enthusiastically collected old newspapers and glue, learning to fold, cut, and glue them into sturdy, reusable bags. Through this initiative, we inspired a new generation of eco-conscious individuals, empowering them to make a positive impact on their surroundings inspiring a lifelong commitment to environmental stewardship.

Tying Up A Greener Future

Shin Activity: Cultivating self-awareness and serenity

Our school community embarked on a unique learning experience, exploring innovative activities that promoted mental growth and environmental awareness. One of the highlights was the Shin activity, a mindfulness-based exercise that focused on self-awareness, relaxation, and mental well-being. Students participated in guided meditation, cultivating a sense of calm and clarity. By integrating mindfulness, we inspired a new generation of leaders to thrive in harmony with themselves and the world around them. The students along with the teachers celebrated a unique blend of learning and fun, exploring innovative activities that promoted mental growth and environmental awareness.

Heel To Toe For A Sustainable Future

The caterpillar calendar: Students master Hindi days of the week

One of the creative highlights was learning the days of the week in Hindi using a caterpillar model, where students crafted a colourful caterpillar with seven segments, each representing a day of the week, labelled in Hindi. The students immersed in a dynamic learning experience, exploring innovative activities that promoted mental growth and environmental awareness.

Weekday Wisdom

Wordscapes: Exploring adjectives in our surroundings

One of the engaging highlights was the "Adjectives from the World Around You" activity, where students ventured out to observe and describe their surroundings using vivid adjectives, fostering their vocabulary and observation skills. They noted the vibrant colours of flowers, the intricate patterns on leaves, and the diverse textures of tree bark, compiling a rich tapestry of descriptive words.

Word Wanderers


The Bagless Day was a resounding success, offering students a unique and engaging learning experience. By incorporating innovative activities, we fostered mental growth, creativity, and environmental awareness, setting a benchmark for future events.



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Happy Krishna Janmashtami

Happy Krishna Janmashtami

We wish you endless joy and peace as you listen to the soothing sounds of Lord Krishna's flute. May your life be blessed with love, happiness, and inner serenity on this auspicious Janmashtami.

Festivals Celebrations

Krishna Janmashtami, also known simply as Janmashtami or Gokulashtami, is an annual Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Krishna, the eighth avatar of Vishnu.
Happy Krishna Janmashtami -26 Aug