Swachhata Pakhwada

Swachhata Pakhwada

Hygiene begins with clean hands.

Swachhata Pakhwada, celebrated from 1st to 15th September 2024, emphasizes the vital role of cleanliness and sanitation among students, encouraging them to maintain and uphold good hygiene practices.

Hand Wash Day is dedicated to underscoring the significance of frequent handwashing in maintaining cleanliness.

On this occasion, let us commit to proactive measures for hand hygiene.

Remember, "Your hands are in your control – let them be a tool for health, not harm."

🌍👐 Today On Handwashing Day of Swachhata Pakhwada, let’s pledge for a cleaner tomorrow! 👐🌍

"Your hands are in your control – let them be a tool for health, not harm."

Join the movement and make handwashing a daily habit for a healthier, safer community.

#HandwashingDay #SwachhataPakhwada #CleanHandsBetterHealth


School Event and Activities

Swachhata Pakhwada

Swachhata Pakhwada

Good health begins with personal hygiene.

Personal Hygiene Day focuses on the importance of maintaining cleanliness in our daily lives. Practicing good personal hygiene not only protects us from illness but also fosters self-respect.

On this day, let's commit to basic hygiene practices such as bathing regularly, brushing teeth, trimming our nails and wearing clean clothes.

Remember, "Cleanliness is not just an act—it's a reflection of your respect for yourself and those around you."

School Event and Activities

Hygiene : your first line of defence

Swachhata Pakhwada

Cleanliness is an attitude. Let’s make India a truly civilised nation.

Swachhata Pakhwada, observed from September 1st to 15th, 2024, highlights the crucial importance of cleanliness and sanitation among students, urging them to uphold exemplary hygiene practices.

The Swachhata School Exhibition Day is dedicated to emphasizing the significance of cleanliness and showcasing effective strategies to maintain a pristine environment.

On this day, let us pledge to adopt proactive measures to ensure our surroundings remain immaculate and hygienic.


School Event and Activities

Swachhata School Exhibition Day

Swachhata Pakhwada

"Small actions, big impact! Be a part of the Swachhta Action Drive and make every step count."

Swachhta Action Day is a powerful opportunity for us to step forward and make a meaningful difference. It’s time we come together, bringing creative and effective solutions that can be implemented for lasting change. This is a chance for young leaders like you to be the driving force behind a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future. Let’s take responsibility, inspire others, and build a legacy of cleanliness and care.

School Event and Activities

Swachhta Action Plan