As per instructions received from the office of DIOS, G.B Nagar, Vaccination of children in the age group of 12-14 yrs and 15- 18 yrs is being conducted.
Children ( 12-14 yrs) will be administered Corbevax vaccine .
Children ( 15-18 yrs) will be administered Covaxin vaccine.
Booster dose for parents Covishield/ Covaxin will be available.
Please note that one of the parents must accompany the student at the time of vaccination. Also the Aadhar card of the student and a mobile phone for OTP is a must. Please ensure that your ward takes proper breakfast before vaccination.
Venue: Sick Bay
Date: 06 August 2022 ( Saturday)
Timings: 10.00 A.M. to 2.00 P.M.

MINUTES OF THE SCHOOL SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING NO. 01/2017 Date: 04 Oct, 2017 Venue: Bal Bharati Public School, Sector-21, Noida-201301 VIEW REPORT PPT on Safety in School