School Events and Activities

National Reading Day


To promote the habit of reading and raise awareness about the importance of books, National Reading Day is celebrated every year on June 19. India commemorates National Reading Day in honor of P N Panicker, the father of the Library and Literacy movement in Kerala.

National Reading Day



World No Tobacco Day- 31st May 2024

31st May- World No Tobacco Day , let us all come together and commit to safeguarding our youth from the harmful influence of the tobacco industry.

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Anti-Terrorism Day

"Anti-Terrorism Day reminds us of the importance of standing together against the scourge of terrorism, which threatens the fabric of our societies and the safety of our communities.

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Anti Terrorism Day

Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore Jayanti

Let’s honour Rabindranath Tagore’s vision of a world where knowledge is free and creativity knows no bounds..

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Tagore Jayanti

World Book and Copyright Day - 23 April 2024

'Let's read, enrich, enhance and enlighten
Set the world to brighten
With thoughts and creativity
That will remain till posterity’

In keeping with the above thought and initiative of promoting the habit of reading across generations and cultures, the World Book and Copyright Day is celebrated every year on April 23.

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World Book and copyright Day

Earth Day 22 April 2024

On April 22 every year, Earth Day serves as a crucial reminder to protect and preserve our environment. It prompts us to assess our impact on the planet and actively participate in creating a sustainable future. This year, Earth Day 2024 focuses on the theme "Planet vs Plastics," emphasizing the importance of making the right choices. It's time to take significant steps to eliminate single-use plastics, opt for reusable alternatives like jute bags for shopping, and embrace eco-friendly options to safeguard our planet. Sustainability is not just a goal but the key to prosperity. Let's take action and join the green revolution, remembering that there is no Planet B. It's up to us to save it by acting boldly, innovating broadly, and implementing equitably every day.

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Earth Day

World Heritage Day 18 April 2024

The International Day for Monuments and Sites also known as World Heritage Day is an international observance held annually on April 18th. It celebrates the diversity of cultural and natural heritage worldwide and raises awareness about the importance of preserving these treasures for future generations. The official theme for World Heritage Day 2024 is ”Discover and experience diversity”.

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Happy World Heritage Day -BBPS Noida

World Health Day 07 April 2024

The greatest wealth is health.

World Health Day is celebrated on April 7th every year, serving as an opportunity to raise awareness about health-related issues and advocate for improvements in global health. 

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World Health Day - BBPS Noida

World Autism Awarness Day 

World Autism Awareness Day, observed on April 2nd, aims to increase understanding and acceptance of autism spectrum disorder.

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World Autism Awareness Day - BBPS Noida

Pi Day 14 March 2024 

Pi Day, is celebrated on March 14th (3/14),and is a mathematical constant representing the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Pi, represented by the symbol π, is a fundamental mathematical constant with numerous applications across various fields:

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International Pi day - BBPS Noida

National Science Day 2024 

28 Feb, 2024

Promoting indigenous technologies for Viksit Bharat is the theme for the National Science Day 2024🚀✨

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National Youth Day 2024

"Talk to yourself at least once in a day. Otherwise, you may miss meeting an excellent person in this world." -Swami Vivekananda Ji

It's All In The Mind' is the National Youth Day 2024 theme in India. National Youth Day is celebrated on 12 January every year.The objective of celebrating National Youth Day is to disseminate the ideas and philosophy of Swami Vivekananda, about how he lived, preached, and the way he worked.
Our youth can take inspiration from Swamiji’s life. He has influenced not only India but Western society as well through his ideals and teaching.

As part of this younger generation, we must maintain the fire of his philosophy.

Jai Hind.


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National Youth Day 2024

"Talk to yourself at least once in a day. Otherwise, you may miss meeting an excellent person in this world." -Swami Vivekananda Ji

It's All In The Mind' is the National Youth Day 2024 theme in India. National Youth Day is celebrated on 12 January every year.The objective of celebrating National Youth Day is to disseminate the ideas and philosophy of Swami Vivekananda, about how he lived, preached, and the way he worked.
Our youth can take inspiration from Swamiji’s life. He has influenced not only India but Western society as well through his ideals and teaching.

As part of this younger generation, we must maintain the fire of his philosophy.

Jai Hind.


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विश्व हिंदी दिवस 10 जनवरी 2024

इस बार 2024 विश्व हिंदी दिवस सम्मेलन का फोकस 'हिंदी- पारंपरिक ज्ञान और कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता को जोड़ना' विषय पर केंद्रित है। पहला अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर का हिंदी दिवस सम्मेलन 10 जनवरी 1975 को महाराष्ट्र के नागपुर में आयोजित हुआ था। इस सम्मेलन में 30 देशों के 122 प्रतिनिधि शामिल हुए थे।

10 जनवरी 2024 की खास तारीख पर दुनिया विश्व सद्भावना दिवस का बेसब्री से इंतजार कर रही है। 1999 में वैश्विक शांति शिखर सम्मेलन से शुरू हुए इस दिन को 2021 में एकता और समझ के प्रति वैश्विक प्रतिबद्धता के प्रतीक के रूप में औपचारिक मान्यता मिली। सहयोग और शांतिपूर्ण सह-अस्तित्व को बढ़ावा देने के लिए नामित, 10 जनवरी संस्कृतियों के बीच पुल बनाने और एक सामंजस्यपूर्ण दुनिया को बढ़ावा देने की हमारी साझा जिम्मेदारी की याद दिलाता है।

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National Mathematics Day 22 Dec, 2023 

An equation for me has no meaning unless it expresses a thought of God.”

Bal Bharati Public School, the best school in Noida, is remembering "Indian Mathematical Genius" Srinivasa Ramanujan on his 136th birth anniversary on 22nd December 2023. Let us all acknowledge and honour the contributions made by Srinivasa Ramanujan in the field of Mathematics by celebrating Mathematics Day not only today but every day.



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National Mathematics Day

World Energy Conservation Day 14 Dec, 2023 

#Happy World Energy Conservation Day 🌍💡

As we join hands together on 14 December 2023, let's unite for a brighter future, understanding that the theme Energy Transition = Energy Security!

Appreciate the significance of energy conservation in our daily lives! Small, conscious choices, like turning off lights and using sustainable transportation, collectively shape a greener future. Each of us holds the power to make a meaningful impact.

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed." - Mahatma Gandhi.

Let's pledge to conserve energy, embrace renewables, and adopt eco-friendly practices. Together, our actions today fuel a sustainable tomorrow. Happy conserving for a brighter, greener planet! 🌍💡🌿💚 #EnergyConservationDay

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International Human Right Day 10 Dec, 2023 


International Human Rights Day is a day celebrated each year on 10th of December to spread awareness among the global citizens to recognise their rights. The UDHR or Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a milestone document, which proclaims the inalienable rights that everyone is entitled to as a human being - regardless of race, colour, religion, language, birth or other status. The theme for 2023 is Consolidating and Sustaining Human Rights Culture into the Future.

On this day,

Let us make ourselves aware of our human rights and strive for a better world!

Report of International Human Rights Day

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International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) 03 Dec, 2023 

International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) is globally celebrated on 3rd December, promoting the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. This day highlights the importance of inclusivity, accessibility, and equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities, while also celebrating their achievements and contributions to society.

The theme of the 2023 International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) is: "United in action to rescue and achieve the SDGs for, with and by persons with disabilities".

Video International Day of person with disability


International Day of persons with disability

World AIDS Day 01 Dec, 2023 

AIDS, or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is caused by the HIV virus and is spread through contact with infected blood, used needles and sexual contact. It is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world, and is a major global health crisis. World AIDS Day is observed on 1st December, every year to raise awareness about the spread of this disease.

On 1 December WHO joins partners to commemorate World AIDS Day 2023, under the theme “ *Let Communities Lead”. WHO is calling on global leaders and citizens to boldly recognize and address the challenges which are holding back progress in ending AIDS; and equalize access to essential HIV services to all concerned.

Let us make ourselves aware about this disease today.

Avoid the scare, be aware!

Video : World AIDS Day



Annual Day 2023 

Annual Day 2023


Vigilance Awareness Week

31st Oct to 05 Nov 2023 

Vigilance Awareness Week stands as an essential instrument wielded by the Commission to amplify public consciousness about the perils of corruption. This annual observance, coinciding with the birthday of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel on October 31st, serves as a resolute call to action. Embracing the theme for the year 2023, "Say no to corruption; commit to the Nation", the week-long initiative ardently rallies all stakeholders to unite in the relentless pursuit of preventing and combating corruption.

Vigilance Awareness Week, observed from 31 Oct to 05 Nov every year is meant to kindle awareness amongst the masses regarding the intricacies, causes, and severity of corruption, emphasizing the imminent threat it poses to our society.

Click to enlarge - Vigilance Week

Gandhi Jayanti Celebrations

02 Oct, 2023

Celebrating Gandhi Jayanti , students of Class XI enacted the historic Dandi March showcasing the symbolic ' Gyarah Murti Statue' . Students enjoyed the activity that highlighted the ideologies and core values of Bapuji . This initiative reiterated the principles of the Mahatma through self composed story written by Anusha Agarwal and narrated by Janhavi Tandon, Navya Thapliyal . The event not only was an inter disciplinary venture but also enhanced new learning and communication skills .




World Space Week, an annual event observed from October 4th’23 to October 10th’23, globally celebrated space science and technology while fostering international cooperation in space exploration. Instituted in 1999 by the United Nations General Assembly, it was consistently commemorated each subsequent year. Throughout World Space Week, diverse global events and activities took place to educate and inspire individuals about the wonders of space and its associated benefits.

Our school participated in the engaging venture of "World Space Week" across classes I to XII, providing students with a captivating experience. This event served as a platform for students to express themselves, unleash their creativity, and develop a keen interest in the cosmic realm. This approach also aligned with the emphasis of the National Education Policy (NEP) on integrated and theme-based learning.

The students took part in a cosmic journey involving various activities, including Clip It, Yarn Wrapped Planet, Poster Making, and Space Trivia Quiz. They utilized their creativity and imagination, being encouraged to surpass the boundaries of contemporary technology and contemplate the potential future of space exploration. The activities of the World Space Day made the students introduced to the concepts related to space, science and astronomy.



 International Literacy Day

On International Literacy Day, we come together to celebrate the profound power of words and the boundless worlds they unveil. This year, we celebrate International Literacy Day on 8 September 2023 under the theme 'Promoting literacy for a world in transition: Building the foundation for sustainable and peaceful societies'. It’s time we pave the way for a world brimming with stories and ideas, with literacy as the key that unlocks the doors to understanding, empathy, progress, and peace.

As we mark this day, let's remember that every book is a portal to a new universe, every sentence a bridge to enlightenment, and every reader a torchbearer of change. Together, let's ensure that the gift of literacy continues to brighten minds and light up our shared future.


 संस्कृत दिवस: 31 अगस्त 2023

*सरस सुबोधा विश्वमनोज्ञा ललिता हृद्या रमणीया ।
अमृतवाणी संस्कृत भाषा नैव क्लिष्टा न च कठिना||*

संस्कृत दिवस को मनाने के लिए श्रावण पूर्णिमा का दिन इसलिए चुना गया है क्योंकि प्राचीनकाल में इसी दिन से शिक्षण सत्र आरम्भ किया जाता था। संस्कृत के बारे में कुछ ऐसे तथ्य हैं, जो किसी भी भारतीय का सिर गर्व से ऊंचा कर देंगे । संस्कृत को प्रायः सभी भारतीय भाषाओं की जननी माना गया है। संस्कृत उत्तराखंड राज्य की आधिकारिक भाषा है। संस्कृत में दुनिया की किसी भी भाषा से ज्यादा शब्द है। वर्तमान में संस्कृत के शब्दकोष में 102 अरब 78 करोड़ 50 लाख शब्द हैं तथा संस्कृत शब्दों का प्रयोग अन्य भाषाओं में मूल रूप से किया जाएगा अन्यथा उनके अर्थ में परिवर्तन आ जाता है।नासा ने संस्कृत को कंप्यूटर के लिए सर्वाधिक उपयुक्त भाषा माना है | संस्कृत भाषा हमारी वैभवशाली संस्कृति का एक सुनहरा अंग है। इस भाषा को देववाणी के समान प्रतिष्ठित माना गया है। कर्णप्रिय ध्वनि तथा वैभवशाली शब्दों का समागम संस्कृत भाषा को भारत में ही नहीं, अपितु विश्व भर में प्रतिष्ठित बनाता है| यह दुख की बात है कि आज हमारे बीच इसका प्रसार कम होता जा रहा है। संस्कृत के प्रचार व प्रसार के लिए हमें अपना उचित योगदान देना चाहिए ताकि देववाणी संस्कृत भाषा का अस्तित्व सदैव बना रहे|

आइए इस अवसर पर हम संकल्प लेते हैं कि संस्कृत को अपने जीवन में धारण करेंगे तथा अन्य भाषाओं में भी इसका शुद्ध प्रयोग करने के लिए लोगों को प्रोत्साहित करेंगे|

संस्कृत दिवस Video Link

World Hepatitis Dah

28 July 2023

World Hepatitis Day is observed annually on 28th July’23, with the primary objective of raising awareness about viral hepatitis and its impact on individuals and communities worldwide. The theme for this year's World Hepatitis Day is "One Life, One Liver", highlighting you’ve only got one life, and you’ve only got one liver. Hepatitis can devastate both. Your liver silently performs over 500 vital functions every single day to keep you alive.

As part of our school's efforts to mark this important occasion, we have planned some activities. We encourage all students, teachers, and staff to actively participate in these events, as every contribution, no matter how small, can have a far-reaching impact in raising awareness and combating hepatitis.

Let us come together and make World Hepatitis Day a resounding success. Your active involvement will not only benefit our school community but also contribute to the global effort in eradicating hepatitis.

Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to your enthusiastic participation!

World Hepatitis Day

World Environment Day

05 June 2023

पर्यावरण को बचाना हमारा ध्येय हो ,  सबके पास इसके लिए समय हो , पर्यावरण अगर नहीं रहेगा सुरक्षित , हो जायेगा सबकुछ दूषित , भले ही आप पेड़ लगाये एक ,  पूरी तरह करे उसकी देखरेख , सौर उर्जा का करे सब उपयोग,  कम करे ताप विद्युत् का उपभोग , रासायनिक खाद का कम करे छिडकाव , भूमि को प्रदूषित होने से बचाव , कचड़ो का समुचित रीती से करो निपटारा ,फैक्ट्रियो में जब सौर यन्त्र लगाई जाएँगी , वायु प्रदुषण में अपने आप कमी आएँगी ,तब जाकर पर्यावरण प्रदुषण में कमी आएँगी , आधी बीमारिया अपने आप चली जाएगी

World Enviornment Day

World Red Cross Day

08 May 2023

World Red Cross Day is a time to celebrate the spirit of humanitarianism and recognize the individuals who make a difference in their communities.

This World Red Cross Day, let's celebrate the people in our communities, “the person next door”, who often are the first ones to step up and support those in need around them.

Everything we do comes #fromtheheart


world red cross day

World Asthma Day

02 May 2023

World Asthma Day is observed on the first Tuesday of May every year to raise awareness about asthma and encourage better asthma management worldwide. GINA has chosen ‘Asthma Care for ALL’ as the theme for the year 2023. This day is a reminder that everyone should have the right to breathe freely and lead a healthy life.

Let's come together to spread awareness about asthma and support those who are affected by it.

Breathe Better, Live Better!!
Healthy Lungs, Happy You!!

Health and Wellness Club, BBPS, Noida

International Dance Day

29 April 2023

International Dance Day is celebrated to mark the birth anniversary of Jean-Georges Noverre, the creator of modern ballet. This day celebrates the spirit to express oneself in a creative way. It aims to bring together the people who speak one language i.e. dance.  Happy 'International Dance Day'

International Dance Day April 29
International Dance Day April 29

World Book and Copyright Day

23 April 2023

To promote the habit of reading and to make people aware of the importance of books, World Book and Copyright Day is celebrated every year on April 23. The date is symbolic for world literature as the world remembers the literary giants, William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.

Marking the day, UNESCO aims to inculcate reading habits among people, especially the youth. World Book and Copyright Day focuses on the importance of enhancing, protecting the indigenous languages and the literary works.

World Book and Copyright Day

World Earth Day

22 April 2023

“The Earth is what we all have in common.”

World Earth Day is observed internationally every year on April 22 to raise awareness about environmental protection.

The theme of Earth Day 2023 is “Invest in our Planet.” It's all about having right choices to save our ailing Mother Earth by reducing our environmental footprint and fixing the damage by following sustainable living practices.

Sustainability is the path to prosperity.Take Action. Be a part of the green revolution. It is our collective responsibility to come together and make a difference.

Everyday we need to act (boldly), innovate (broadly), and implement (equitably).   We don’t have a Planet B.  Save it! Be an eco warrior.


Report : Foundation Day 2023


World Earth Day

World Heritage Day 

 18 April 2023

World Heritage Day, also known as International Day for Monuments and Sites, is celebrated annually on April 18th to promote awareness of cultural heritage. Let us promise to encourage the preservation and protection of important historical landmarks around the world.

Warm greetings on Heritage day.


World Health Organization (WHO) 

 07 April 2023

Happiness is the highest form of health. Dalai Lama

World Health Day is celebrated on April 7 every year. It is an initiative taken by the World Health Organization (WHO) to raise awareness about the overall health and well-being of people across the world.
COVID-19 pandemic showed us the healing power of science. We are making better fitness and lifestyle choices now. But it’s important to remember that wellness is more than just a good diet and exercise. The pandemic has taught us to prioritize our mental and overall well-being and to take responsibility for it. Achieving a balance between work and play, making time for friends and family, spending some time close to nature, meditating, and to work towards self-acceptance are also important aspects of holistic wellness.

Let's explore the impact of rounded, overall wellness in depth. ‘Live Well’ should be our mantra for the new year. Let’s walk into 2023-24 with positivity in our hearts, minds, and souls!

Stay Safe Stay healthy.




World Health Day

World Autism Awareness Day

 02 April 2023

Awareness Day to raise awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) which is a neurological and developmental disorder in which a person’s ability to communicate and interact is affected. It is a lifelong neurological condition that manifests during early childhood, irrespective of gender, race or socio-economic status and is the world’s third most common developmental disorder occurring by the age of three.

ASD is not a disorder that gets worse with age and affects 1 in 36 children. Boys are nearly 5 times more likely than girls to be diagnosed with ASD.

Let us pledge to create awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder, debunk myths and create an inclusive world.

World Autism Awareness Day

Pi Day

14 March 2023

Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π (pi) and is observed on March 14 (3/14 in the month/day format) since 3, 1, and 4 are the first three significant figures of π.3/14 is the best day to celebrate the mathematical constant π as it helps us with so many things in life ,from satellite orbits to sound wave science to our buildings and bridges!

Pi (π), which is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter was founded in 1988 by Larry Shaw, an employee of the San Francisco, California science museum
A fun fact: Do you know 3.14% of sailors are pi-rates?

Pi day is a unique combination of fun and education which we observe on 14th March as International Pi Day!

Happy Pi Day! 🥧



28 FEBRUARY 2023

" The Science of today is the technology of tomorrow." ~ Edward Teller
28 February is celebrated as National Science Day (NSD) in India. NSD is celebrated to commemorate discovery of the ‘Raman Effect’, which led to Sir C.V. Raman winning the Noble Prize.

The main objective of National Science Day is to bring awareness to people about the importance of science in our daily life and to encourage people by popularizing Science and Technology.

science day

ALUMNI MEET 2022-2023

18 FEBRUARY 2023

The Alumni Association of Bal Bharati Public School, Noida, under the aegis of the school administration, organised the Annual Alumni Meet on 19 February 2023 in the school grounds. It was a day filled with excitement, emotions, and nostalgia as the alumni, both recent and older, came together to relive their school days and connect with their old classmates and teachers.




30 JANUARY 2023

Martyr's Day is a time for us to reflect on the sacrifices of those who have fought for freedom, justice, and peace.

It is a reminder that we must never take the sacrifices of others for granted and that we must work towards a better and progressive future for all.

“Martyrs don’t die, they continue to live in our hearts as an inspiration.”

Jai hind🇮🇳

Marty's Day


Report on Commemoration of 1st Veer Bal Diwas
National Girl Child Day


Class I to V

Date :  24 January,2023

National Girl Child Day


National Girl Child Day - Report



23 JANUARY 2023


In order to honour and remember Netaji's indomitable spirit and selfless service to the nation, the Government of India has started celebrating his birthday on January 23 every year as 'Parakram Diwas' to inspire people of the country, especially the youth, to act with fortitude in the face of adversity as Netaji did, and to infuse in them a spirit of patriotic fervour.

On this occasion, our school has taken up various initiatives to pay tribute to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.

Wishing the spirit of "Parakram Diwas" inspires everyone.

Jai Hind 🇮🇳

Parakram Diwas Report

Click the Video


20 January 2023


साहित्यांजलि रिपोर्ट




12 JANUARY 2023

"Talk to yourself at least once in a day. Otherwise, you may miss meeting an excellent person in this world."   -Swami Vivekananda Ji

National Youth Day, is celebrated on 12 January. We celebrate the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda as National Youth day because the philosophy of Swamiji and the ideals for which he lived and worked could be a great source of inspiration for the Indian Youth.

This day means to create everlasting energy among youth to empower them for their future endeavours towards the advancement of the nation. Swamiji’s philosophies, teaching, and ideas are great cultural assets for India.
Our youth can take inspiration from Swamiji’s life. He has influenced not only India but Western society as well through his ideals and teaching.

As part of this younger generation, we must maintain the fire of his philosophy.

Jai Hind.

National Youth Day


22 DECEMBER 2022

“An equation for me has no meaning unless it expresses a thought of God.”

Bal Bharati Public School, Noida is remembering "Indian Mathematical Genius" Srinivasa Ramanujan on his 135th Birth Anniversary on 22nd December 2022.   Let us all acknowledge and honour the contributions made by Srinivasa Ramanujan in the field of Mathematics by celebrating Mathematics Day not only today but every day.

Indian Mathematical Genius Srinivasa Ramanujan


14th DECEMBER 2022

Every year on the 14th of December, National Energy Conservation Day is observed to raise awareness about the significance of energy and the need of saving or conserving energy by using energy efficiently. .

This day is a reminder that we can no longer go easy with our sources of energy and we must conserve them. Every bit of conserved energy can make a big difference.

We at Bal Bharati Public School, Noida pledge to make efforts towards saving energy resources and switching to sustainable means.
Have a Happy and enlightened National Energy Conservation Day

Energy Conservation Day


3rd DECEMBER ,2022

International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) is observed every year on 3rd December.

The Theme for this year is “Transformative Solutions for Inclusive Development : The Role of Innovation in Fueling an Accessible and Equitable World.”

The observance of the Day aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities


AIDS, or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is caused by the HIV virus and is spread through contact with infected blood, used needles and sexual contact. It is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world, and is a major global health crisis. World AIDS Day is observed on 1st December, every year to raise awareness about the spread of this disease.

On 1 December WHO joins partners to commemorate World AIDS Day 2022, under the theme “Equalize”. WHO is calling on global leaders and citizens to boldly recognize and address the inequalities which are holding back progress in ending AIDS; and equalize access to essential HIV services to all concerned.

Let us make ourselves aware about this disease today.

Avoid the scare, be aware!

World AIDS Day


VIGILANCE AWARENESS WEEK  31.10.2022-06.11.2022

Vigilance Awareness Week is celebrated every year during the week in which 31st October, the birthday of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel falls.

CVC observes Vigilance Awareness Week every year to bring together all stakeholders in spreading the message of integrity in all spheres of life. This year, it is being observed from 31st October to 6th November with the theme of 2022 is “Corruption-free India for a developed nation”.

The objective of vigilance is to generate awareness in the public at large about the ill effects of corruption.

Bal Bharati Public School, Noida encourages you all to be a vigilant citizen.

“Let the eye of vigilance never be closed”.

Report : National Unity Day


Vigilance Awareness Week





All the lights of the world cannot be compared to a ray of the inner light of the self.

# Think what you Gift and How you Gift.

A small change can lead to the path of progress and continued success.

An Initiative by Environment Club, Bal Bharati Public School Noida.

Harit and Mindful Deepawali Utsav 2022
Harit and Mindful Deepawali Utsav 2022

ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय धन्वन्तराये
अमृतकलश हस्ताय सर्व आमय विनाशाय
त्रैलोक्यनाथाय धन्वंतरि
महाविष्णवे नमः ॥

Dhanteras is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Dhanvantri, father of medicine and ayurveda.  Dhanwantari is considered a mythical deity born with ambrosia in one hand and Ayurveda on the other at the end of the churning of milk ocean. The REAL DHAN is our health. So today, let us all pray for the good health of each other and our families, for the physical ,spiritual, emotional, mental well being of mankind .

 Happy Dhanteras

Harit and Mindful Deepawali Utsav 2022

हरित दीपावली, स्वस्थ दीपावली 2022

Diwali is also known as the "Festival of Lights"
   Light your hearts with hope and houses with Earthen Diyas .
   Do not waste electricity.
   Let's celebrate it the traditional way.
   Wish you all a bright diwali.

An initiative by Environment Club,
Bal Bharati Public School, Noida


हरित दीपावली, स्वस्थ दीपावली 2022

Happiness is in the air because it is the ambiance of Diwali, which is everywhere. Share love, care and joy with the underprivileged and the community workers. Rejoice on this special occasion and spread sparkles of Peace and Goodwill. .

Environment Club
Bal Bharati Public School, Noida

Harit and Mindful Deepawali Utsav 2022
Harit and Mindful Deepawali Utsav 2022

हरित दीपावली, स्वस्थ दीपावली 2022

Fill your homes with plants and healthy air, not with cracker and fumes.
Let this diwali burn all your bad times, celebrate an eco-friendly diwali!

Environment Club
Bal Bharati Public School, Noida


13 OCTOBER ,2022


The International Day for Disaster Reduction is observed every year on 13 October to encourage every citizen and government to take part in building more disaster-resilient communities and nations.

This year’s theme is
“Substantially increase the availability of and access to multi-hazard early warning systems and disaster risk information and assessments to people by 2030”
Taking a step in the direction at Bal Bharati Public school Noida, it is ensured that each student understands the importance of the disaster management through special assemblies, disaster drills and various activities.
Be Prepared Be Smart

International Day for Disaster Reduction 2022


11 OCTOBER ,2022


International Day of Girl Child is observed on 11th October every year to empower girls and amplify their voice. This day focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face and to promote girls’ empowerment and fulfilment of their human rights. This day also holds importance as it eliminates the gender-based challenges that little girls face around the world, including child marriages, discrimination, violence and poor learning opportunities. A gender-equal society would be one where the word ‘gender’ does not exist: where everyone can be themselves.

“To all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful, and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams.”

Let us pledge to provide opportunities to all the girls to spread their wings and soar high in the sky.

Let the girls smile, Let the girls breathe
Let the girls choose and pursue their dreams
“International day of the girl child”

International Day - Girl Child
International Day - Girl Child



World Space Week 2022.
World Space Week is a global celebration of science and technology and their contribution towards the betterment of the human conditions.
The United Nations General Assembly declared in the year 1999 that World Space Week (WSW) will be held every year from October 4-10. Since then, this special week is observed to help students gain a wider knowledge about space outreach programmes and education, excite young people about science, technology, engineering, and math and foster international cooperation in space outreach and education.

The 2022 theme of World Space Week is " Space and Sustainability", underscoring the value of space for achieving a better future while ensuring that space activities are conducted in a sustainable manner.

World Space Week


27 SEPTEMBER ,2022


World Tourism Day is celebrated each year on September 27 to spread awareness about the importance of tourism and the global challenges outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

This year's theme 'Rethinking Tourism' aims to inspire the debate around rethinking tourism for development, inclusion through education and jobs, and tourism’s impact on the planet and opportunities to grow more sustainably.

After COVID 19 pandemic, it is imperative to lift travel curbs and restart tourism in order to kickstart recovery and growth.

Bal Bharati Public School, Noida wishes you 'Happy World Tourism Day'. The time is now to travel, explore and make new memories.

World Tourism Day


24 SEPTEMBER ,2022

विश्व नदी दिवस हर साल सितंबर के अंतिम रविवार को भारत सहित पूरे विश्व में उत्साह से मनाया जाता है। नदियों की रक्षा को लेकर 2005 में इसे मनाने की शुरुआत की गई थी। सभी देशों में नदियाँ प्रदूषित हो रही हैं और किसी न किसी तरह से इन्हें नुकसान पहुँचाया जा रहा है I इस दिन का उद्देश्य लोगों को नदियों के बारे में जागरुक करना और उनके संरक्षण हेतु प्रेरित करना है I इसी उद्देश्य की पूर्ति हेतु विद्यालय में भी विश्व नदी दिवस मनाया गया जिसके माध्यम से छात्रों ने नदियों के महत्त्व को जाना और उनके संरक्षण का प्रण लिया I

हिमखंडों से पिघलकर, पर्वतों से निकलकर,अविरल बहती, कल-कल कर आगे बढ़ती, सृष्टि के संचालन में, विशिष्ट भूमिका निभाती Iअपना जल देकर, जीवन सँवारती,तो किसी के लिए खुद आश्रय बन जाती Iपूजा है सदा माँ की तरह, तो इस माँ का सम्मान करो,
रखना है स्वच्छ और निर्मल इसे, मन में ये संकल्प करो I
                - स्वरचित

Facilities & Infrastructure
World Rivers Day
Facilities & Infrastructure

International Day of Peace

21 SEPTEMBER ,2022

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. It is devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire.

But achieving true peace entails much more than laying down arms.  It requires the building of societies, where all members, feel that they can flourish. It involves creating a world in which people are treated equally, regardless of their race.



International Day Peace

World Ozone Day

16 SEPTEMBER ,2022

World Ozone Day is observed on September 16 every year to spread awareness amongst people about the depletion of Ozone Layer and find possible solutions to preserve it.

The ozone layer acts as a shield for life on Earth. Ozone is good at trapping the ultraviolet radiation, which can penetrate organisms' protective layers, like skin, damaging DNA molecules in plants and animals.
The scientific confirmation of the depletion of the ozone layer prompted the international community to establish a mechanism for cooperation to take action to protect the ozone layer. This was formalized in the Vienna Convention by drafting of Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

The theme for the 2022 International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer is Montreal Protocol@35: *Global Cooperation Protecting Life on Earth


World Ozone Day

(हिन्दी दिवस)  

14 SEPTEMBER ,2022

हिंदी भाषा को राष्ट्रभाषा के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया जाना चाहिए और अर्थव्यवस्था, धर्म एवं राजनीति के लिए संचार के रूप में भी इस्तेमाल किया जाना चाहिए।
- महात्मा गांधी

हिंदी जन-जन की भाषा है। हिंदी के महत्त्व को लोगों को बताने के लिए “राष्ट्रभाषा प्रचार समिति” द्वारा हर साल 14 सितंबर को हिंदी राजभाषा दिवस के रूप में मनाने का अनुरोध किया गया था। 14 सितंबर 1949 को भारत के संविधान में भाग 17 के अनुच्छेद 343 (1) में हिंदी को राष्ट्र की राजभाषा के रूप में दर्जा दिया गया। तभी से प्रत्येक वर्ष इस दिन हिंदी दिवस मनाने का निर्णय लिया गया।
आज के आधुनिक समय में लोग पश्चिमी सभ्यता से काफी प्रभावित हुए हैं। हिंदी भाषा का महत्व समाप्त होता जा रहा है। हिंदी दिवस लोगों को उनकी जड़ों से जोड़े रखता है और लोगों को उनकी मूल संस्कृति की याद दिलाता है। इसी उद्देश्य की पूर्ति के लिए विद्यालय में विभिन्न गतिविधियों का आयोजन किया गया जिसमें छात्रों ने उत्साहपूर्वक भाग लिया

Hindi Divas Video

अपनी हिंदी प्यारी है सरस , सरल मनोहारी है। अपनी हिंदी प्यारी है।। मीठे शब्दों वाली है यह फूलों की डाली है भारत की पहचान लगे हिंदी हिंदुस्तान लगे अद्भुत शान हमारी है। अपनी हिंदी प्यारी है।। कबीर का आखर ढाई है तुलसी की चौपाई है यह भावों की सरिता है मीठी, मोहक कविता है सुरभित है, उजियारी है। अपनी हिंदी प्यारी है।। अक्षर रस के छींटे हैं शब्द शहद से मीठे हैं यह मन में बस जाती है जीवन को महकाती है खिली-खिली फुलवारी है। अपनी हिंदी प्यारी है।।

हिंदी दिवस - Pre Primary

स्वाभिमान और गर्व की भाषा है हिंदी , सरल,सुगम और राष्ट्र भाषा है हिंदी , विश्व की प्राचीन भाषा है हिंदी , संस्कृति और संस्कारों की प्रतिबिम्ब है हिंदी, इसी विचारधारा को कायम रखते हुए हमारे प्री प्राइमरी विंग के नन्हें मुन्हें छात्र छात्राओं ने हिंदी दिवस पर विभिन्न गतिविधियों में उमंग और जोश के साथ भाग लिया | तो आप सभी के साथ साझा कर रहे हैं इन गतिविधियों की कुछ झल्कियाँ |

Hindi Divas Video

Hindi Diwas
Hindi Diwas


08 SEPTEMBER ,2022

The International Literacy Day on 8th September, 2022 heralds an opportunity to rethink the fundamental importance of literacy learning spaces to build resilience and ensure quality, equitable, and inclusive education for all. To ensure no one is left behind, we need to enrich and transform the existing learning spaces through an integrated approach and enable literacy learning in the perspective of lifelong learning.

Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one person can change the world!



International Literacy Day
International Literacy Day


29 August ,2022

The National Sports Day or Rashtriya Khel Divas is celebrated on August 29 in India as a tribute to hockey legend Major Dhyan Chand.
Bal Bharati Public School, Noida salutes the hardwork and dedication of all sports enthusiasts who bring accolades and laurels to our nation.

National Sports Day
National Sports Day
Harit and Mindful Deepawali Utsav 2022
Harit and Mindful Deepawali Utsav 2022

हरित दीपावली, स्वस्थ दीपावली 2022

Diwali is also known as the "Festival of Lights"
Light your hearts with hope and houses with Earthen Diyas .
Do not waste electricity.
Let's celebrate it the traditional way.
Wish you all a bright diwali.

An initiative by Environment Club,
Bal Bharati Public School, Noida


हरित दीपावली, स्वस्थ दीपावली 2022

Happiness is in the air because it is the ambiance of Diwali, which is everywhere. Share love, care and joy with the underprivileged and the community workers. Rejoice on this special occasion and spread sparkles of Peace and Goodwill. .

Environment Club
Bal Bharati Public School, Noida

Harit and Mindful Deepawali Utsav 2022
Harit and Mindful Deepawali Utsav 2022

हरित दीपावली, स्वस्थ दीपावली 2022

Fill your homes with plants and healthy air, not with cracker and fumes.
Let this diwali burn all your bad times, celebrate an eco-friendly diwali!

Environment Club
Bal Bharati Public School, Noida


13 OCTOBER ,2022


The International Day for Disaster Reduction is observed every year on 13 October to encourage every citizen and government to take part in building more disaster-resilient communities and nations.

This year’s theme is
“Substantially increase the availability of and access to multi-hazard early warning systems and disaster risk information and assessments to people by 2030”
Taking a step in the direction at Bal Bharati Public school Noida, it is ensured that each student understands the importance of the disaster management through special assemblies, disaster drills and various activities.
Be Prepared Be Smart

International Day for Disaster Reduction 2022


11 OCTOBER ,2022


International Day of Girl Child is observed on 11th October every year to empower girls and amplify their voice. This day focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face and to promote girls’ empowerment and fulfilment of their human rights. This day also holds importance as it eliminates the gender-based challenges that little girls face around the world, including child marriages, discrimination, violence and poor learning opportunities. A gender-equal society would be one where the word ‘gender’ does not exist: where everyone can be themselves.

“To all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful, and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams.”

Let us pledge to provide opportunities to all the girls to spread their wings and soar high in the sky.

Let the girls smile, Let the girls breathe
Let the girls choose and pursue their dreams
“International day of the girl child”

International Day - Girl Child
International Day - Girl Child



World Space Week 2022.
World Space Week is a global celebration of science and technology and their contribution towards the betterment of the human conditions.
The United Nations General Assembly declared in the year 1999 that World Space Week (WSW) will be held every year from October 4-10. Since then, this special week is observed to help students gain a wider knowledge about space outreach programmes and education, excite young people about science, technology, engineering, and math and foster international cooperation in space outreach and education.

The 2022 theme of World Space Week is " Space and Sustainability", underscoring the value of space for achieving a better future while ensuring that space activities are conducted in a sustainable manner.

World Space Week


27 SEPTEMBER ,2022


World Tourism Day is celebrated each year on September 27 to spread awareness about the importance of tourism and the global challenges outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

This year's theme 'Rethinking Tourism' aims to inspire the debate around rethinking tourism for development, inclusion through education and jobs, and tourism’s impact on the planet and opportunities to grow more sustainably.

After COVID 19 pandemic, it is imperative to lift travel curbs and restart tourism in order to kickstart recovery and growth.

Bal Bharati Public School, Noida wishes you 'Happy World Tourism Day'. The time is now to travel, explore and make new memories.

World Tourism Day


24 SEPTEMBER ,2022

विश्व नदी दिवस हर साल सितंबर के अंतिम रविवार को भारत सहित पूरे विश्व में उत्साह से मनाया जाता है। नदियों की रक्षा को लेकर 2005 में इसे मनाने की शुरुआत की गई थी। सभी देशों में नदियाँ प्रदूषित हो रही हैं और किसी न किसी तरह से इन्हें नुकसान पहुँचाया जा रहा है I इस दिन का उद्देश्य लोगों को नदियों के बारे में जागरुक करना और उनके संरक्षण हेतु प्रेरित करना है I इसी उद्देश्य की पूर्ति हेतु विद्यालय में भी विश्व नदी दिवस मनाया गया जिसके माध्यम से छात्रों ने नदियों के महत्त्व को जाना और उनके संरक्षण का प्रण लिया I

हिमखंडों से पिघलकर, पर्वतों से निकलकर,अविरल बहती, कल-कल कर आगे बढ़ती, सृष्टि के संचालन में, विशिष्ट भूमिका निभाती Iअपना जल देकर, जीवन सँवारती,तो किसी के लिए खुद आश्रय बन जाती Iपूजा है सदा माँ की तरह, तो इस माँ का सम्मान करो,
रखना है स्वच्छ और निर्मल इसे, मन में ये संकल्प करो I
                - स्वरचित

Facilities & Infrastructure
World Rivers Day
Facilities & Infrastructure

International Day of Peace

21 SEPTEMBER ,2022

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. It is devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire.

But achieving true peace entails much more than laying down arms.  It requires the building of societies, where all members, feel that they can flourish. It involves creating a world in which people are treated equally, regardless of their race.



International Day Peace

World Ozone Day

16 SEPTEMBER ,2022

World Ozone Day is observed on September 16 every year to spread awareness amongst people about the depletion of Ozone Layer and find possible solutions to preserve it.

The ozone layer acts as a shield for life on Earth. Ozone is good at trapping the ultraviolet radiation, which can penetrate organisms' protective layers, like skin, damaging DNA molecules in plants and animals.
The scientific confirmation of the depletion of the ozone layer prompted the international community to establish a mechanism for cooperation to take action to protect the ozone layer. This was formalized in the Vienna Convention by drafting of Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

The theme for the 2022 International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer is Montreal Protocol@35: *Global Cooperation Protecting Life on Earth


World Ozone Day

(हिन्दी दिवस)  

14 SEPTEMBER ,2022

हिंदी भाषा को राष्ट्रभाषा के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया जाना चाहिए और अर्थव्यवस्था, धर्म एवं राजनीति के लिए संचार के रूप में भी इस्तेमाल किया जाना चाहिए।
- महात्मा गांधी

हिंदी जन-जन की भाषा है। हिंदी के महत्त्व को लोगों को बताने के लिए “राष्ट्रभाषा प्रचार समिति” द्वारा हर साल 14 सितंबर को हिंदी राजभाषा दिवस के रूप में मनाने का अनुरोध किया गया था। 14 सितंबर 1949 को भारत के संविधान में भाग 17 के अनुच्छेद 343 (1) में हिंदी को राष्ट्र की राजभाषा के रूप में दर्जा दिया गया। तभी से प्रत्येक वर्ष इस दिन हिंदी दिवस मनाने का निर्णय लिया गया।
आज के आधुनिक समय में लोग पश्चिमी सभ्यता से काफी प्रभावित हुए हैं। हिंदी भाषा का महत्व समाप्त होता जा रहा है। हिंदी दिवस लोगों को उनकी जड़ों से जोड़े रखता है और लोगों को उनकी मूल संस्कृति की याद दिलाता है। इसी उद्देश्य की पूर्ति के लिए विद्यालय में विभिन्न गतिविधियों का आयोजन किया गया जिसमें छात्रों ने उत्साहपूर्वक भाग लिया

Hindi Divas Video

अपनी हिंदी प्यारी है सरस , सरल मनोहारी है। अपनी हिंदी प्यारी है।। मीठे शब्दों वाली है यह फूलों की डाली है भारत की पहचान लगे हिंदी हिंदुस्तान लगे अद्भुत शान हमारी है। अपनी हिंदी प्यारी है।। कबीर का आखर ढाई है तुलसी की चौपाई है यह भावों की सरिता है मीठी, मोहक कविता है सुरभित है, उजियारी है। अपनी हिंदी प्यारी है।। अक्षर रस के छींटे हैं शब्द शहद से मीठे हैं यह मन में बस जाती है जीवन को महकाती है खिली-खिली फुलवारी है। अपनी हिंदी प्यारी है।।

हिंदी दिवस - Pre Primary

स्वाभिमान और गर्व की भाषा है हिंदी , सरल,सुगम और राष्ट्र भाषा है हिंदी , विश्व की प्राचीन भाषा है हिंदी , संस्कृति और संस्कारों की प्रतिबिम्ब है हिंदी, इसी विचारधारा को कायम रखते हुए हमारे प्री प्राइमरी विंग के नन्हें मुन्हें छात्र छात्राओं ने हिंदी दिवस पर विभिन्न गतिविधियों में उमंग और जोश के साथ भाग लिया | तो आप सभी के साथ साझा कर रहे हैं इन गतिविधियों की कुछ झल्कियाँ |

Hindi Divas Video

Hindi Diwas
Hindi Diwas


08 SEPTEMBER ,2022

The International Literacy Day on 8th September, 2022 heralds an opportunity to rethink the fundamental importance of literacy learning spaces to build resilience and ensure quality, equitable, and inclusive education for all. To ensure no one is left behind, we need to enrich and transform the existing learning spaces through an integrated approach and enable literacy learning in the perspective of lifelong learning.

Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one person can change the world!



International Literacy Day
International Literacy Day


29 August ,2022

The National Sports Day or Rashtriya Khel Divas is celebrated on August 29 in India as a tribute to hockey legend Major Dhyan Chand.
Bal Bharati Public School, Noida salutes the hardwork and dedication of all sports enthusiasts who bring accolades and laurels to our nation.

National Sports Day
National Sports Day

संस्कृत दिवस 

12 अगस्त 2022

Sanskriti Diwas Day


20 July ,2022

Across the world, July 18 is commemorated as Nelson Mandela Day to shine light on legacy of a man who changed the 20th century and helped shape the 21st. On this day, we at Bal Bharati Public School Noida,  remember his struggle for equality and his leadership which strove for freedom from discrimination and poverty and renew the values he  inspired .This day is a marker to inspire us all to walk the path shown by Mandela and work for a more just and equal humankind and increased social cohesion.

Nelson Mandela Day
Nelson Mandela Day


11 July ,2022

Every year on July 11th, the world celebrates World Population Day. The intention behind celebrating this day is to create awareness about alarmingly increasing global population which has far reaching effects on humanity. The United Nations’17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)aim at achieving decent lives for all on a healthy planet by 2030.
On the occasion of World Population Day, let us come together and pledge to fully implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development for a sustainable and inclusive future for all eight billion of us, leaving no one behind.
-A Message issued by Bal Bharati Public School, Noida to create responsible citizens

Happy World Population Day
Happy World Population Day
Happy World Population Day
World Population Day


21 June ,2022

Yoga is special as it enables us in achieving harmony of body and mind, and in discovering oneness with the self, the world, and nature. This year, we celebrate the eighth edition of the International Day of Yoga, recognised as a special day by the United Nations General Assembly. Bal Bharatians from all our schools nationwide will join in observing the day which celebrates this glorious 5,000-year-old tradition from India.



14 June ,2022

The World Blood Donor Day slogan is “Donating blood is an act of solidarity. Join the effort and save lives” to draw attention to the roles that voluntary blood donations play in saving lives and enhancing solidarity within communities.Join us in the awareness campaign for motivating regular blood donors to continue giving blood, and to motivate people in good health who have never given blood to begin doing so. Switch on Red lights in your home today.
Your involvement and support will help to ensure greater impact for World Blood Donor Day 2022.




05 June ,2022

World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June every year.  “Only One Earth" is the campaign slogan of the year 2022 focusing on “Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature”. By creating awareness about those things that affect the world, we can let people know the importance of saving the earth. The day is to broaden our vision, steps, and responsibilities to protect and enhance the environment. Start today to save tomorrow

It’s time to wake up and save the world before everything goes out of hand.




31 May ,2022

World No Tobacco Day is observed on 31 May annually to raise public awareness about the harmful side effects of tobacco use and cultivation. The theme for World No Tobacco Day 2022 is Protect the environment. It highlights how tobacco pollutes the earth and damages people’s health throughout its whole life cycle.1.5 Million trees are cut down everyday for the making of cigarettes. In its endavour, to protect environment and create awareness about harmful effects of tobacco, Bal Bharati Public School Noida has organised poster making activity for students. Here are some glimpses of the activity..

विश्व तंबाकू निषेध दिवस: ‘पर्यावरण बचाओ’ 31 मई 2022 आओ ये संकल्प उठाएँ, पर्यावरण को स्वच्छ बनाएँ| खुद भी हों जागृत और लोगों में भी चेतना जगाएँ | सिगार –सिगरेट, हुक्का –बीड़ी तंबाकू के दुष्प्रभावों से, जन-जन को अवगत कराएँ | देकर नवजीवन इस धरती को, हम इसका अस्तित्व बचाएँ |

आइए इस अवसर पर हम संकल्प लें कि खुद भी नशा नहीं करेंगे और अन्य लोगों को भी नशा न करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करेंगे..

World No Tobacco Day
World No Tobacco Day
World No Tobacco Day


22 May ,2022

"Biodiversity can't be maintained by protecting a few species in a zoo, or by preserving greenbelts or national parks. To function properly, nature needs more room than that. It can maintain itself, however, without human expense, without zookeepers, park rangers, foresters or gene banks. All it needs is to be left alone.".


International Day for Biological Diversity


08 May ,2022

On the occasion of Mother's day, seize the opportunity to thank your mother for all the love and work she put in through the years.


Happy Mother's Day


01 May ,2022


Happy Labour Day


April 29,2022


“We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams” -Albert Einstein.

Let’s groove beyond the barriers!

Commemorating International Dance Day 29th April’22: A global celebration to mark the birth anniversary of Jean Georges Noverre, the creator of the modern Ballet. The day intends to celebrate the art of ‘dance’ deterring the cultural, political, and ethnic barriers and recognize the ensemble of this art form.

Acknowledging the significance of the day, the students of BBPS Noida danced to the rhythms experiencing the common language of dance.


April 23,2022


To promote the habit of reading and to make people aware of the importance of books, World Book and Copyright Day is celebrated every year on April 23. The date is symbolic for world literature as the world remembers the literary giants, William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.
Marking the day, UNESCO aims to inculcate reading habits among people, especially the youth. World Book and Copyright Day focuses on the importance of enhancing, protecting the indigenous languages and the literary works.

World Book and Copyright Day
World Book and Copyright Day


April 22,2022


“The Earth is what we all have in common.”

World Earth Day is observed internationally every year on April 22 to raise awareness about environmental protection.

The theme of Earth Day 2022 is “Invest in our Planet.” It's all about having right choices to save our ailing Mother Earth by reducing our environmental footprint and fixing the damage by following sustainable living practices.

It is our collective responsibility to come together and make a difference. Sustainability is the path to prosperity.

We don’t have a Planet B. Save it!

Earth Day 2022
Earth Day 2022


April 18,2022


On the occasion of Heritage Day, let us promise ourselves that we will do our bit to preserve our heritage. Warm greetings on Heritage Day

World Heritage Day


April 4,2022


"Happiness is the highest form of health."
Dalai Lama

The Climate crisis is also a health crisis. 
Over 90% of people breathe unhealthy air resulting from burning of fossil fuels. A heating world is seeing mosquitos spread diseases farther and faster than ever before. Extreme weather events, land degradation and water scarcity are displacing people and affecting their health. Pollution and plastics are found at the bottom of our deepest oceans, the highest mountains, and have made their way into our food chain. Systems that produce highly processed, unhealthy foods and beverages are driving a wave of obesity, increasing cancer and heart disease while generating a third of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Let's create the ecosystem where cities are liveable and people have control over their health and the health of the planet

Stay Safe Stay Healthy

An initiative by the Health & Wellness Club, Bal Bharati Public School, Noida

World Health Day
World Health Day


April 2,2022


The essence of World Autism Awareness Day lies in accepting the people suffering autism as normal people and giving them equal opportunities.They have their own battles to fight. Let us not complicate their lives further with our behavior. Happy World Autism Awareness Day.

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” — Dr. Seuss
World Autism Awareness Day is an internationally recognized day. It is observed on 2nd April every year to raise awareness about people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders including Autism and Asperger Syndrome throughout the world.

On this World Autism Awareness Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to an inclusive, equitable and sustainable world for people with autism.

World Autism Awareness Day
World Autism Awareness Day


March 15,2022


World Consumer Right Day
World Consumer Right Day


March 14,2022

Today is the day to celebrate the mathematical constant pi (π ) and eat lots of pie.

3.14 or 3/14 is the best day to celebrate the mathematical constant π as it helps us with so many things in life from satellite orbits to sound wave science to our buildings and bridges!

Pi day is a unique combination of fun and education which we observe on 14th March as International Pie Day!

A fun fact: Do you know 3.14% of sailors are pi-rates?
Happy Pi Day! 🥧

National PI Day


March 8,2022

To all the incredible women, shine on, not just today but every single day. Happy Women's Day.

International Women's day celebrated on 8th March every year is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity and working towards a gender-equal world.

A world that is free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.

So today, let us all come together and #Break the bias

Today let us recognize the extraordinary acts of women and stand together as a united force, to advance gender equality around the world..


Hey Woman!

You are wind, you are water

You are snow, you are fire

You are vibrant, you are fierce

You are one of a kind!

Lets salute women power and dress up our best this Women’s Day!!
Be proud of all that we do and all that we are🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

International Women's Day
Happy International Women's Day


February 28,2022

National Science Day (NSD) is celebrated every year on 28th February to commemorate the discovery of the ‘Raman Effect’ by Indian physicist Sir C.V. Raman for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1930.

The theme of National Science Day 2022 is “Integrated Approach in Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future.”

It is the time to sustain the spirit of investigation and innovation to find sustainable solutions for world’s problems.

NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY In a world that recognizes a child’s merit only by his test scores and where children are under constant pressure to excel, it is important for us ‘their teachers’, to ensure that our pedagogies are aligned with the uniqueness of each child’s personality.

The pandemic and the following lockdown provided us with a novel opportunity, to rethink our ‘teaching-learning pedagogies’ that would involve and engage the children in a truly unique way.

As you flip through the pages of MECHANOTROX, you will appreciate the ingenuity of our students in trying to apply the concepts of Physics to the toys designed by them. This e-magazine is an initiative towards changing the mindset of children, for whom subjects like Physics and Math kindle a fear of failure that makes them believe that these subjects simply aren’t their calling .The 3-dimensional toys illustrated in the newsletter, clearly demonstrate that various principles of Physics were learnt with ease and the learners were able to overcome their fear of the subject. It was truly an exemplar experiment where teachers made learning exciting through the use of toys and the students were more than willing to participate.

Of late, there has been a lot of stress on ‘Toy based Pedagogy’ which is in alignment with the NEP, 2020 and Prime Minister’s vision of “Vocal for

Local" and “Kaushal Bharat, Kushal Bharat”, to create an “Aatm Nirbhar” Bharat. I hope we are able to put NEP into action in its true spirit in the coming times.

We at Bal Bharati would continue to be responsive to the clarion call of ‘Change’ to stay in sync with the changing times and emerge better than the best.



National Science Day
National Science Day


February 04,2022


Enjoy every little thing that life has set for you and fight for the things you want to. Be healthy and inspire others to be healthy to have a cancer-free life.


January 30,2022


Martyrs do not die, they continue to live in our hearts as inspiration….

30th January is observed as Martyrs' Day by our nation and Bal Bharati Public School, Noida celebrates the valour and courage of our brave hearts and commemorates the sacrifices of all those who lost their lives defending the sovereignty of the nation.
Jai Hind !





Martyrs' Day
Martyrs' Day


January 30,2022



World Leprosy Eradication Day
World Leprosy Eradication Day


January 26,2022


Justice, Equality, Liberty, and Fraternity.
Bal Bharati Public School, Noida salutes the four pillars of our great Indian Constitution.

May we always have freedom to choose, freedom to live and freedom to dream...

Happy 73rd Republic Day!.

Veer Gatha Project was an initiative by CBSE series in association with Ministry of Defence in partnership with Ministry of Education at an all-India level from 21st October to 20th November 2021 for school students of standard III to XII in all States and Union Territories as well as all schools affiliated to CBSE.
The activity was organized to disseminate the details of acts of bravery and life stories of the officers/personnel of the Armed Forces, other lawfully constituted forces and civilians, among the students.
Students of Bal Bharati Public School, Noida, actively and most willingly participated in the project and shared their views about their heroes. We are awed by the patriotic fervour these brave men and women inspire. Let’s listen to their stories and feel this call of nation resounding in our veins.


Report Republic Day 2022


Republic Day Celebrations
Republic Day Celebrations
73 Republic Day Celebrations
Republic Day Celebrations
Republic Day Celebrations


January 23,2022

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti as Parakram Diwas

In order to honour and remember Netaji's indomitable spirit and selfless service to the nation, the Government of India has started celebrating his birthday on January 23 every year as 'Parakram Diwas' to inspire people of the country, especially the youth, to act with fortitude in the face of adversity as Netaji did, and to infuse in them a spirit of patriotic fervour.

On this occasion, our school has taken up various initiatives to pay tribute to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
Wishing the spirit of "Parakram Diwas" inspires everyone.
Jai Hind 🇮🇳

Subhas Chandra Bose Jayanti


December 22,2021

Mathematics is the most beautiful and powerful creation of the human spirit. Mathematics surrounds the universe. It makes our life orderly and prevents chaos. The inherent qualities like budgeting, analysis, power of reasoning, critical thinking, problem solving and creativity are nurtured with mathematics. It also develops our abstract and spatial thinking.

Mathematics is not only about numbers, equations, computations or algorithms, it is about understanding.

Let's celebrate Mathematics Day today and everyday




National Mathematic Day


December 14,2021

Every year on the 14th of December,  National Energy Conservation Day is observed to raise awareness about the significance of energy and the need of saving or conserving energy by using energy efficiently. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under Ministry of Power spearheads the celebrations every year.

Every bit of conserved energy can make a big difference.
We at Bal Bharati Public School ,Noida pledge to make efforts towards saving energy resources and switching to sustainable means.

Have a Happy and enlightened National Energy Conservation Day.

National Energy Conservation Day


December 10,2021

The Human Rights Day is annually celebrated worldwide on 10th December each year to commemorate the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of Charter of Universal Human Rights on 10 December 1948. These rights are held inalienable for every individual irrespective of their race, class, caste, creed, gender and religion. Human rights describe the universality of sanctity of human life and lead it with dignity, respect and without fear. Bal Bharati Public School Noida believes that this day not only reminds us of the struggles which people have undergone to ensure such rights but also many more struggles which we have to undergo to ensure no person on this planet is deprived of these rights unjustly.

May this day be an occasion to honor our rights and realize the duties which will ensure these rights.


December 03,2021


Every year 3rd December is observed as the ‘International Day of Persons with Disabilities’.

The observance of the day aims to promote an understanding of the issues pertaining to disability and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. It also seeks to increase awareness of gains to be derived from the integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life.

The theme for this year’s International Day of Persons with Disability is ‘Leadership and Participation of Persons with Disabilities towards an Inclusive, Accessible, and Sustainable post-COVID-19 world’..

We, at Bal Bharati Public School, Noida pledge to foster an inclusive environment by overcoming attitudinal and behavioral barriers by building a sense of trust, compassion and respect towards people with disabilities

International Day of Persons with Disabilities


December 01,2021


Together we must work hard to put an end to this disease and have a beautiful tomorrow….

An enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, also called ELISA test, that may be used as a screening tool to diagnose HIV AIDS. Early antiretroviral treatment is crucial to improve the quality of life.

AIDS is caused by HIV, a retro virus; Human Immuno Deficiency Virus. Many people with HIV have no symptoms for several years. The person becomes vulnerable to serious illnesses and can pass HIV to healthy person.

End inequalities. End AIDS. End pandemics

Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome is non curable due to its nature of pathogen.

This World AIDS Day, 1 December 2021, UNAIDS is highlighting the urgent need to end the inequalities that drive AIDS and other pandemics around the world.

HIV virus AIDS, a sexually transmitted disease – is passed from one person to another through blood-to-blood contact, infected blood, used Syringes, infected Razors at barber's shop. The mother can pass the infection on to her child during childbirth, pregnancy and also through breastfeeding.

The Red Ribbon is the world wide symbol of support and awareness for people living with HIV. There is currently no cure for HIV/AIDS.





11 July ,2022


Every year on July 11th, the world celebrates World Population Day. The intention behind celebrating this day is to create awareness about alarmingly increasing global population which has far reaching effects on humanity. The United Nations’17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)aim at achieving decent lives for all on a healthy planet by 2030.
On the occasion of World Population Day, let us come together and pledge to fully implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development for a sustainable and inclusive future for all eight billion of us, leaving no one behind.
-A Message issued by Bal Bharati Public School, Noida to create responsible citizens

Happy World Population Day
Happy World Population Day
Happy World Population Day
World Population Day


21 June ,2022


Yoga is special as it enables us in achieving harmony of body and mind, and in discovering oneness with the self, the world, and nature. This year, we celebrate the eighth edition of the International Day of Yoga, recognised as a special day by the United Nations General Assembly. Bal Bharatians from all our schools nationwide will join in observing the day which celebrates this glorious 5,000-year-old tradition from India.



14 June ,2022


The World Blood Donor Day slogan is “Donating blood is an act of solidarity. Join the effort and save lives” to draw attention to the roles that voluntary blood donations play in saving lives and enhancing solidarity within communities.Join us in the awareness campaign for motivating regular blood donors to continue giving blood, and to motivate people in good health who have never given blood to begin doing so. Switch on Red lights in your home today.
Your involvement and support will help to ensure greater impact for World Blood Donor Day 2022.




05 June ,2022


World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June every year.  “Only One Earth" is the campaign slogan of the year 2022 focusing on “Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature”. By creating awareness about those things that affect the world, we can let people know the importance of saving the earth. The day is to broaden our vision, steps, and responsibilities to protect and enhance the environment. Start today to save tomorrow

It’s time to wake up and save the world before everything goes out of hand.




31 May ,2022

World No Tobacco Day is observed on 31 May annually to raise public awareness about the harmful side effects of tobacco use and cultivation. The theme for World No Tobacco Day 2022 is Protect the environment. It highlights how tobacco pollutes the earth and damages people’s health throughout its whole life cycle.1.5 Million trees are cut down everyday for the making of cigarettes. In its endavour, to protect environment and create awareness about harmful effects of tobacco, Bal Bharati Public School Noida has organised poster making activity for students. Here are some glimpses of the activity..

विश्व तंबाकू निषेध दिवस: ‘पर्यावरण बचाओ’ 31 मई 2022 आओ ये संकल्प उठाएँ, पर्यावरण को स्वच्छ बनाएँ| खुद भी हों जागृत और लोगों में भी चेतना जगाएँ | सिगार –सिगरेट, हुक्का –बीड़ी तंबाकू के दुष्प्रभावों से, जन-जन को अवगत कराएँ | देकर नवजीवन इस धरती को, हम इसका अस्तित्व बचाएँ |

आइए इस अवसर पर हम संकल्प लें कि खुद भी नशा नहीं करेंगे और अन्य लोगों को भी नशा न करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करेंगे..

World No Tobacco Day
World No Tobacco Day
World No Tobacco Day


22 May ,2022

"Biodiversity can't be maintained by protecting a few species in a zoo, or by preserving greenbelts or national parks. To function properly, nature needs more room than that. It can maintain itself, however, without human expense, without zookeepers, park rangers, foresters or gene banks. All it needs is to be left alone.".


International Day for Biological Diversity


08 May ,2022

On the occasion of Mother's day, seize the opportunity to thank your mother for all the love and work she put in through the years.


Happy Mother's Day


01 May ,2022


Happy Labour Day


April 29,2022


“We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams” -Albert Einstein.

Let’s groove beyond the barriers!

Commemorating International Dance Day 29th April’22: A global celebration to mark the birth anniversary of Jean Georges Noverre, the creator of the modern Ballet. The day intends to celebrate the art of ‘dance’ deterring the cultural, political, and ethnic barriers and recognize the ensemble of this art form.

Acknowledging the significance of the day, the students of BBPS Noida danced to the rhythms experiencing the common language of dance.


April 23,2022


To promote the habit of reading and to make people aware of the importance of books, World Book and Copyright Day is celebrated every year on April 23. The date is symbolic for world literature as the world remembers the literary giants, William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.
Marking the day, UNESCO aims to inculcate reading habits among people, especially the youth. World Book and Copyright Day focuses on the importance of enhancing, protecting the indigenous languages and the literary works.

World Book and Copyright Day
World Book and Copyright Day


April 22,2022


“The Earth is what we all have in common.”

World Earth Day is observed internationally every year on April 22 to raise awareness about environmental protection.

The theme of Earth Day 2022 is “Invest in our Planet.” It's all about having right choices to save our ailing Mother Earth by reducing our environmental footprint and fixing the damage by following sustainable living practices.

It is our collective responsibility to come together and make a difference. Sustainability is the path to prosperity.

We don’t have a Planet B. Save it!

Earth Day 2022
Earth Day 2022


April 18,2022


On the occasion of Heritage Day, let us promise ourselves that we will do our bit to preserve our heritage. Warm greetings on Heritage Day

World Heritage Day


April 4,2022


"Happiness is the highest form of health."
Dalai Lama

The Climate crisis is also a health crisis. 
Over 90% of people breathe unhealthy air resulting from burning of fossil fuels. A heating world is seeing mosquitos spread diseases farther and faster than ever before. Extreme weather events, land degradation and water scarcity are displacing people and affecting their health. Pollution and plastics are found at the bottom of our deepest oceans, the highest mountains, and have made their way into our food chain. Systems that produce highly processed, unhealthy foods and beverages are driving a wave of obesity, increasing cancer and heart disease while generating a third of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Let's create the ecosystem where cities are liveable and people have control over their health and the health of the planet

Stay Safe Stay Healthy

An initiative by the Health & Wellness Club, Bal Bharati Public School, Noida

World Health Day
World Health Day


April 2,2022


The essence of World Autism Awareness Day lies in accepting the people suffering autism as normal people and giving them equal opportunities.They have their own battles to fight. Let us not complicate their lives further with our behavior. Happy World Autism Awareness Day.

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” — Dr. Seuss
World Autism Awareness Day is an internationally recognized day. It is observed on 2nd April every year to raise awareness about people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders including Autism and Asperger Syndrome throughout the world.

On this World Autism Awareness Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to an inclusive, equitable and sustainable world for people with autism.

World Autism Awareness Day
World Autism Awareness Day


March 15,2022


World Consumer Right Day
World Consumer Right Day


March 14,2022

Today is the day to celebrate the mathematical constant pi (π ) and eat lots of pie.

3.14 or 3/14 is the best day to celebrate the mathematical constant π as it helps us with so many things in life from satellite orbits to sound wave science to our buildings and bridges!

Pi day is a unique combination of fun and education which we observe on 14th March as International Pie Day!

A fun fact: Do you know 3.14% of sailors are pi-rates?
Happy Pi Day! 🥧

National PI Day


March 8,2022

To all the incredible women, shine on, not just today but every single day. Happy Women's Day.

International Women's day celebrated on 8th March every year is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity and working towards a gender-equal world.

A world that is free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.

So today, let us all come together and #Break the bias

Today let us recognize the extraordinary acts of women and stand together as a united force, to advance gender equality around the world..


Hey Woman!

You are wind, you are water

You are snow, you are fire

You are vibrant, you are fierce

You are one of a kind!

Lets salute women power and dress up our best this Women’s Day!!
Be proud of all that we do and all that we are🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

International Women's Day
Happy International Women's Day


February 28,2022

National Science Day (NSD) is celebrated every year on 28th February to commemorate the discovery of the ‘Raman Effect’ by Indian physicist Sir C.V. Raman for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1930.

The theme of National Science Day 2022 is “Integrated Approach in Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future.”

It is the time to sustain the spirit of investigation and innovation to find sustainable solutions for world’s problems.

NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY In a world that recognizes a child’s merit only by his test scores and where children are under constant pressure to excel, it is important for us ‘their teachers’, to ensure that our pedagogies are aligned with the uniqueness of each child’s personality.

The pandemic and the following lockdown provided us with a novel opportunity, to rethink our ‘teaching-learning pedagogies’ that would involve and engage the children in a truly unique way.

As you flip through the pages of MECHANOTROX, you will appreciate the ingenuity of our students in trying to apply the concepts of Physics to the toys designed by them. This e-magazine is an initiative towards changing the mindset of children, for whom subjects like Physics and Math kindle a fear of failure that makes them believe that these subjects simply aren’t their calling .The 3-dimensional toys illustrated in the newsletter, clearly demonstrate that various principles of Physics were learnt with ease and the learners were able to overcome their fear of the subject. It was truly an exemplar experiment where teachers made learning exciting through the use of toys and the students were more than willing to participate.

Of late, there has been a lot of stress on ‘Toy based Pedagogy’ which is in alignment with the NEP, 2020 and Prime Minister’s vision of “Vocal for

Local" and “Kaushal Bharat, Kushal Bharat”, to create an “Aatm Nirbhar” Bharat. I hope we are able to put NEP into action in its true spirit in the coming times.

We at Bal Bharati would continue to be responsive to the clarion call of ‘Change’ to stay in sync with the changing times and emerge better than the best.



National Science Day
National Science Day


February 04,2022


Enjoy every little thing that life has set for you and fight for the things you want to. Be healthy and inspire others to be healthy to have a cancer-free life.


January 30,2022


Martyrs do not die, they continue to live in our hearts as inspiration….

30th January is observed as Martyrs' Day by our nation and Bal Bharati Public School, Noida celebrates the valour and courage of our brave hearts and commemorates the sacrifices of all those who lost their lives defending the sovereignty of the nation.
Jai Hind !





Martyrs' Day
Martyrs' Day


January 30,2022



World Leprosy Eradication Day
World Leprosy Eradication Day


January 26,2022


Justice, Equality, Liberty, and Fraternity.
Bal Bharati Public School, Noida salutes the four pillars of our great Indian Constitution.

May we always have freedom to choose, freedom to live and freedom to dream...

Happy 73rd Republic Day!.

Veer Gatha Project was an initiative by CBSE series in association with Ministry of Defence in partnership with Ministry of Education at an all-India level from 21st October to 20th November 2021 for school students of standard III to XII in all States and Union Territories as well as all schools affiliated to CBSE.
The activity was organized to disseminate the details of acts of bravery and life stories of the officers/personnel of the Armed Forces, other lawfully constituted forces and civilians, among the students.
Students of Bal Bharati Public School, Noida, actively and most willingly participated in the project and shared their views about their heroes. We are awed by the patriotic fervour these brave men and women inspire. Let’s listen to their stories and feel this call of nation resounding in our veins.


Report Republic Day 2022


Republic Day Celebrations
Republic Day Celebrations
73 Republic Day Celebrations
Republic Day Celebrations
Republic Day Celebrations


January 23,2022

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti as Parakram Diwas

In order to honour and remember Netaji's indomitable spirit and selfless service to the nation, the Government of India has started celebrating his birthday on January 23 every year as 'Parakram Diwas' to inspire people of the country, especially the youth, to act with fortitude in the face of adversity as Netaji did, and to infuse in them a spirit of patriotic fervour.

On this occasion, our school has taken up various initiatives to pay tribute to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
Wishing the spirit of "Parakram Diwas" inspires everyone.
Jai Hind 🇮🇳

Subhas Chandra Bose Jayanti


December 22,2021

Mathematics is the most beautiful and powerful creation of the human spirit. Mathematics surrounds the universe. It makes our life orderly and prevents chaos. The inherent qualities like budgeting, analysis, power of reasoning, critical thinking, problem solving and creativity are nurtured with mathematics. It also develops our abstract and spatial thinking.

Mathematics is not only about numbers, equations, computations or algorithms, it is about understanding.

Let's celebrate Mathematics Day today and everyday




National Mathematic Day


December 14,2021

Every year on the 14th of December,  National Energy Conservation Day is observed to raise awareness about the significance of energy and the need of saving or conserving energy by using energy efficiently. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under Ministry of Power spearheads the celebrations every year.

Every bit of conserved energy can make a big difference.
We at Bal Bharati Public School ,Noida pledge to make efforts towards saving energy resources and switching to sustainable means.

Have a Happy and enlightened National Energy Conservation Day.

National Energy Conservation Day


December 10,2021

The Human Rights Day is annually celebrated worldwide on 10th December each year to commemorate the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of Charter of Universal Human Rights on 10 December 1948. These rights are held inalienable for every individual irrespective of their race, class, caste, creed, gender and religion. Human rights describe the universality of sanctity of human life and lead it with dignity, respect and without fear. Bal Bharati Public School Noida believes that this day not only reminds us of the struggles which people have undergone to ensure such rights but also many more struggles which we have to undergo to ensure no person on this planet is deprived of these rights unjustly.

May this day be an occasion to honor our rights and realize the duties which will ensure these rights.


December 03,2021


Every year 3rd December is observed as the ‘International Day of Persons with Disabilities’.

The observance of the day aims to promote an understanding of the issues pertaining to disability and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. It also seeks to increase awareness of gains to be derived from the integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life.

The theme for this year’s International Day of Persons with Disability is ‘Leadership and Participation of Persons with Disabilities towards an Inclusive, Accessible, and Sustainable post-COVID-19 world’..

We, at Bal Bharati Public School, Noida pledge to foster an inclusive environment by overcoming attitudinal and behavioral barriers by building a sense of trust, compassion and respect towards people with disabilities

International Day of Persons with Disabilities


December 01,2021


Together we must work hard to put an end to this disease and have a beautiful tomorrow….

An enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, also called ELISA test, that may be used as a screening tool to diagnose HIV AIDS. Early antiretroviral treatment is crucial to improve the quality of life.

AIDS is caused by HIV, a retro virus; Human Immuno Deficiency Virus. Many people with HIV have no symptoms for several years. The person becomes vulnerable to serious illnesses and can pass HIV to healthy person.

End inequalities. End AIDS. End pandemics

Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome is non curable due to its nature of pathogen.

This World AIDS Day, 1 December 2021, UNAIDS is highlighting the urgent need to end the inequalities that drive AIDS and other pandemics around the world.

HIV virus AIDS, a sexually transmitted disease – is passed from one person to another through blood-to-blood contact, infected blood, used Syringes, infected Razors at barber's shop. The mother can pass the infection on to her child during childbirth, pregnancy and also through breastfeeding.

The Red Ribbon is the world wide symbol of support and awareness for people living with HIV. There is currently no cure for HIV/AIDS.





31 May ,2022

World No Tobacco Day is observed on 31 May annually to raise public awareness about the harmful side effects of tobacco use and cultivation. The theme for World No Tobacco Day 2022 is Protect the environment. It highlights how tobacco pollutes the earth and damages people’s health throughout its whole life cycle.1.5 Million trees are cut down everyday for the making of cigarettes. In its endavour, to protect environment and create awareness about harmful effects of tobacco, Bal Bharati Public School Noida has organised poster making activity for students. Here are some glimpses of the activity..

विश्व तंबाकू निषेध दिवस: ‘पर्यावरण बचाओ’ 31 मई 2022 आओ ये संकल्प उठाएँ, पर्यावरण को स्वच्छ बनाएँ| खुद भी हों जागृत और लोगों में भी चेतना जगाएँ | सिगार –सिगरेट, हुक्का –बीड़ी तंबाकू के दुष्प्रभावों से, जन-जन को अवगत कराएँ | देकर नवजीवन इस धरती को, हम इसका अस्तित्व बचाएँ |

आइए इस अवसर पर हम संकल्प लें कि खुद भी नशा नहीं करेंगे और अन्य लोगों को भी नशा न करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करेंगे..

World No Tobacco Day
World No Tobacco Day
World No Tobacco Day


22 May ,2022

"Biodiversity can't be maintained by protecting a few species in a zoo, or by preserving greenbelts or national parks. To function properly, nature needs more room than that. It can maintain itself, however, without human expense, without zookeepers, park rangers, foresters or gene banks. All it needs is to be left alone.".


International Day for Biological Diversity


08 May ,2022

On the occasion of Mother's day, seize the opportunity to thank your mother for all the love and work she put in through the years.


Happy Mother's Day


01 May ,2022


Happy Labour Day


April 29,2022


“We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams” -Albert Einstein.

Let’s groove beyond the barriers!

Commemorating International Dance Day 29th April’22: A global celebration to mark the birth anniversary of Jean Georges Noverre, the creator of the modern Ballet. The day intends to celebrate the art of ‘dance’ deterring the cultural, political, and ethnic barriers and recognize the ensemble of this art form.

Acknowledging the significance of the day, the students of BBPS Noida danced to the rhythms experiencing the common language of dance.


April 23,2022


To promote the habit of reading and to make people aware of the importance of books, World Book and Copyright Day is celebrated every year on April 23. The date is symbolic for world literature as the world remembers the literary giants, William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.
Marking the day, UNESCO aims to inculcate reading habits among people, especially the youth. World Book and Copyright Day focuses on the importance of enhancing, protecting the indigenous languages and the literary works.

World Book and Copyright Day
World Book and Copyright Day


April 22,2022


“The Earth is what we all have in common.”

World Earth Day is observed internationally every year on April 22 to raise awareness about environmental protection.

The theme of Earth Day 2022 is “Invest in our Planet.” It's all about having right choices to save our ailing Mother Earth by reducing our environmental footprint and fixing the damage by following sustainable living practices.

It is our collective responsibility to come together and make a difference. Sustainability is the path to prosperity.

We don’t have a Planet B. Save it!

Earth Day 2022
Earth Day 2022


April 18,2022


On the occasion of Heritage Day, let us promise ourselves that we will do our bit to preserve our heritage. Warm greetings on Heritage Day

World Heritage Day


April 4,2022


"Happiness is the highest form of health."
Dalai Lama

The Climate crisis is also a health crisis. 
Over 90% of people breathe unhealthy air resulting from burning of fossil fuels. A heating world is seeing mosquitos spread diseases farther and faster than ever before. Extreme weather events, land degradation and water scarcity are displacing people and affecting their health. Pollution and plastics are found at the bottom of our deepest oceans, the highest mountains, and have made their way into our food chain. Systems that produce highly processed, unhealthy foods and beverages are driving a wave of obesity, increasing cancer and heart disease while generating a third of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Let's create the ecosystem where cities are liveable and people have control over their health and the health of the planet

Stay Safe Stay Healthy

An initiative by the Health & Wellness Club, Bal Bharati Public School, Noida

World Health Day
World Health Day


April 2,2022


The essence of World Autism Awareness Day lies in accepting the people suffering autism as normal people and giving them equal opportunities.They have their own battles to fight. Let us not complicate their lives further with our behavior. Happy World Autism Awareness Day.

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” — Dr. Seuss
World Autism Awareness Day is an internationally recognized day. It is observed on 2nd April every year to raise awareness about people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders including Autism and Asperger Syndrome throughout the world.

On this World Autism Awareness Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to an inclusive, equitable and sustainable world for people with autism.

World Autism Awareness Day
World Autism Awareness Day


March 15,2022


World Consumer Right Day
World Consumer Right Day


March 14,2022

Today is the day to celebrate the mathematical constant pi (π ) and eat lots of pie.

3.14 or 3/14 is the best day to celebrate the mathematical constant π as it helps us with so many things in life from satellite orbits to sound wave science to our buildings and bridges!

Pi day is a unique combination of fun and education which we observe on 14th March as International Pie Day!

A fun fact: Do you know 3.14% of sailors are pi-rates?
Happy Pi Day! 🥧

National PI Day


March 8,2022

To all the incredible women, shine on, not just today but every single day. Happy Women's Day.

International Women's day celebrated on 8th March every year is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity and working towards a gender-equal world.

A world that is free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.

So today, let us all come together and #Break the bias

Today let us recognize the extraordinary acts of women and stand together as a united force, to advance gender equality around the world..


Hey Woman!

You are wind, you are water

You are snow, you are fire

You are vibrant, you are fierce

You are one of a kind!

Lets salute women power and dress up our best this Women’s Day!!
Be proud of all that we do and all that we are🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

International Women's Day
Happy International Women's Day


February 28,2022

National Science Day (NSD) is celebrated every year on 28th February to commemorate the discovery of the ‘Raman Effect’ by Indian physicist Sir C.V. Raman for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1930.

The theme of National Science Day 2022 is “Integrated Approach in Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future.”

It is the time to sustain the spirit of investigation and innovation to find sustainable solutions for world’s problems.

NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY In a world that recognizes a child’s merit only by his test scores and where children are under constant pressure to excel, it is important for us ‘their teachers’, to ensure that our pedagogies are aligned with the uniqueness of each child’s personality.

The pandemic and the following lockdown provided us with a novel opportunity, to rethink our ‘teaching-learning pedagogies’ that would involve and engage the children in a truly unique way.

As you flip through the pages of MECHANOTROX, you will appreciate the ingenuity of our students in trying to apply the concepts of Physics to the toys designed by them. This e-magazine is an initiative towards changing the mindset of children, for whom subjects like Physics and Math kindle a fear of failure that makes them believe that these subjects simply aren’t their calling .The 3-dimensional toys illustrated in the newsletter, clearly demonstrate that various principles of Physics were learnt with ease and the learners were able to overcome their fear of the subject. It was truly an exemplar experiment where teachers made learning exciting through the use of toys and the students were more than willing to participate.

Of late, there has been a lot of stress on ‘Toy based Pedagogy’ which is in alignment with the NEP, 2020 and Prime Minister’s vision of “Vocal for

Local" and “Kaushal Bharat, Kushal Bharat”, to create an “Aatm Nirbhar” Bharat. I hope we are able to put NEP into action in its true spirit in the coming times.

We at Bal Bharati would continue to be responsive to the clarion call of ‘Change’ to stay in sync with the changing times and emerge better than the best.



National Science Day
National Science Day


February 04,2022


Enjoy every little thing that life has set for you and fight for the things you want to. Be healthy and inspire others to be healthy to have a cancer-free life.


January 30,2022


Martyrs do not die, they continue to live in our hearts as inspiration….

30th January is observed as Martyrs' Day by our nation and Bal Bharati Public School, Noida celebrates the valour and courage of our brave hearts and commemorates the sacrifices of all those who lost their lives defending the sovereignty of the nation.
Jai Hind !





Martyrs' Day
Martyrs' Day


January 30,2022



World Leprosy Eradication Day


January 26,2022


Justice, Equality, Liberty, and Fraternity.
Bal Bharati Public School, Noida salutes the four pillars of our great Indian Constitution.

May we always have freedom to choose, freedom to live and freedom to dream...

Happy 73rd Republic Day!.

Veer Gatha Project was an initiative by CBSE series in association with Ministry of Defence in partnership with Ministry of Education at an all-India level from 21st October to 20th November 2021 for school students of standard III to XII in all States and Union Territories as well as all schools affiliated to CBSE.
The activity was organized to disseminate the details of acts of bravery and life stories of the officers/personnel of the Armed Forces, other lawfully constituted forces and civilians, among the students.
Students of Bal Bharati Public School, Noida, actively and most willingly participated in the project and shared their views about their heroes. We are awed by the patriotic fervour these brave men and women inspire. Let’s listen to their stories and feel this call of nation resounding in our veins.


Report Republic Day 2022


Republic Day Celebrations
Republic Day Celebrations
73 Republic Day Celebrations
Republic Day Celebrations
Republic Day Celebrations


January 23,2022

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti as Parakram Diwas

In order to honour and remember Netaji's indomitable spirit and selfless service to the nation, the Government of India has started celebrating his birthday on January 23 every year as 'Parakram Diwas' to inspire people of the country, especially the youth, to act with fortitude in the face of adversity as Netaji did, and to infuse in them a spirit of patriotic fervour.

On this occasion, our school has taken up various initiatives to pay tribute to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
Wishing the spirit of "Parakram Diwas" inspires everyone.
Jai Hind 🇮🇳

Subhas Chandra Bose Jayanti


December 22,2021

Mathematics is the most beautiful and powerful creation of the human spirit. Mathematics surrounds the universe. It makes our life orderly and prevents chaos. The inherent qualities like budgeting, analysis, power of reasoning, critical thinking, problem solving and creativity are nurtured with mathematics. It also develops our abstract and spatial thinking.

Mathematics is not only about numbers, equations, computations or algorithms, it is about understanding.

Let's celebrate Mathematics Day today and everyday




National Mathematic Day


December 14,2021

Every year on the 14th of December,  National Energy Conservation Day is observed to raise awareness about the significance of energy and the need of saving or conserving energy by using energy efficiently. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under Ministry of Power spearheads the celebrations every year.

Every bit of conserved energy can make a big difference.
We at Bal Bharati Public School ,Noida pledge to make efforts towards saving energy resources and switching to sustainable means.

Have a Happy and enlightened National Energy Conservation Day.

National Energy Conservation Day


December 10,2021

The Human Rights Day is annually celebrated worldwide on 10th December each year to commemorate the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of Charter of Universal Human Rights on 10 December 1948. These rights are held inalienable for every individual irrespective of their race, class, caste, creed, gender and religion. Human rights describe the universality of sanctity of human life and lead it with dignity, respect and without fear. Bal Bharati Public School Noida believes that this day not only reminds us of the struggles which people have undergone to ensure such rights but also many more struggles which we have to undergo to ensure no person on this planet is deprived of these rights unjustly.

May this day be an occasion to honor our rights and realize the duties which will ensure these rights.


December 03,2021


Every year 3rd December is observed as the ‘International Day of Persons with Disabilities’.

The observance of the day aims to promote an understanding of the issues pertaining to disability and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. It also seeks to increase awareness of gains to be derived from the integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life.

The theme for this year’s International Day of Persons with Disability is ‘Leadership and Participation of Persons with Disabilities towards an Inclusive, Accessible, and Sustainable post-COVID-19 world’..

We, at Bal Bharati Public School, Noida pledge to foster an inclusive environment by overcoming attitudinal and behavioral barriers by building a sense of trust, compassion and respect towards people with disabilities

International Day of Persons with Disabilities


December 01,2021


Together we must work hard to put an end to this disease and have a beautiful tomorrow….

An enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, also called ELISA test, that may be used as a screening tool to diagnose HIV AIDS. Early antiretroviral treatment is crucial to improve the quality of life.

AIDS is caused by HIV, a retro virus; Human Immuno Deficiency Virus. Many people with HIV have no symptoms for several years. The person becomes vulnerable to serious illnesses and can pass HIV to healthy person.

End inequalities. End AIDS. End pandemics

Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome is non curable due to its nature of pathogen.

This World AIDS Day, 1 December 2021, UNAIDS is highlighting the urgent need to end the inequalities that drive AIDS and other pandemics around the world.

HIV virus AIDS, a sexually transmitted disease – is passed from one person to another through blood-to-blood contact, infected blood, used Syringes, infected Razors at barber's shop. The mother can pass the infection on to her child during childbirth, pregnancy and also through breastfeeding.

The Red Ribbon is the world wide symbol of support and awareness for people living with HIV. There is currently no cure for HIV/AIDS.





April 29,2022


“We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams” -Albert Einstein.

Let’s groove beyond the barriers!

Commemorating International Dance Day 29th April’22: A global celebration to mark the birth anniversary of Jean Georges Noverre, the creator of the modern Ballet. The day intends to celebrate the art of ‘dance’ deterring the cultural, political, and ethnic barriers and recognize the ensemble of this art form.

Acknowledging the significance of the day, the students of BBPS Noida danced to the rhythms experiencing the common language of dance.


April 23,2022


To promote the habit of reading and to make people aware of the importance of books, World Book and Copyright Day is celebrated every year on April 23. The date is symbolic for world literature as the world remembers the literary giants, William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.
Marking the day, UNESCO aims to inculcate reading habits among people, especially the youth. World Book and Copyright Day focuses on the importance of enhancing, protecting the indigenous languages and the literary works.

World Book and Copyright Day
World Book and Copyright Day


April 22,2022


“The Earth is what we all have in common.”

World Earth Day is observed internationally every year on April 22 to raise awareness about environmental protection.

The theme of Earth Day 2022 is “Invest in our Planet.” It's all about having right choices to save our ailing Mother Earth by reducing our environmental footprint and fixing the damage by following sustainable living practices.

It is our collective responsibility to come together and make a difference. Sustainability is the path to prosperity.

We don’t have a Planet B. Save it!

Earth Day 2022
Earth Day 2022


April 18,2022


On the occasion of Heritage Day, let us promise ourselves that we will do our bit to preserve our heritage. Warm greetings on Heritage Day

World Heritage Day


April 4,2022


"Happiness is the highest form of health."
Dalai Lama

The Climate crisis is also a health crisis. 
Over 90% of people breathe unhealthy air resulting from burning of fossil fuels. A heating world is seeing mosquitos spread diseases farther and faster than ever before. Extreme weather events, land degradation and water scarcity are displacing people and affecting their health. Pollution and plastics are found at the bottom of our deepest oceans, the highest mountains, and have made their way into our food chain. Systems that produce highly processed, unhealthy foods and beverages are driving a wave of obesity, increasing cancer and heart disease while generating a third of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Let's create the ecosystem where cities are liveable and people have control over their health and the health of the planet

Stay Safe Stay Healthy

An initiative by the Health & Wellness Club, Bal Bharati Public School, Noida

World Health Day
World Health Day


April 2,2022


The essence of World Autism Awareness Day lies in accepting the people suffering autism as normal people and giving them equal opportunities.They have their own battles to fight. Let us not complicate their lives further with our behavior. Happy World Autism Awareness Day.

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” — Dr. Seuss
World Autism Awareness Day is an internationally recognized day. It is observed on 2nd April every year to raise awareness about people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders including Autism and Asperger Syndrome throughout the world.

On this World Autism Awareness Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to an inclusive, equitable and sustainable world for people with autism.

World Autism Awareness Day
World Autism Awareness Day


March 15,2022


World Consumer Right Day
World Consumer Right Day


March 14,2022

Today is the day to celebrate the mathematical constant pi (π ) and eat lots of pie.

3.14 or 3/14 is the best day to celebrate the mathematical constant π as it helps us with so many things in life from satellite orbits to sound wave science to our buildings and bridges!

Pi day is a unique combination of fun and education which we observe on 14th March as International Pie Day!

A fun fact: Do you know 3.14% of sailors are pi-rates?
Happy Pi Day! 🥧

National PI Day


March 8,2022

To all the incredible women, shine on, not just today but every single day. Happy Women's Day.

International Women's day celebrated on 8th March every year is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity and working towards a gender-equal world.

A world that is free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.

So today, let us all come together and #Break the bias

Today let us recognize the extraordinary acts of women and stand together as a united force, to advance gender equality around the world..


Hey Woman!

You are wind, you are water

You are snow, you are fire

You are vibrant, you are fierce

You are one of a kind!

Lets salute women power and dress up our best this Women’s Day!!
Be proud of all that we do and all that we are🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

International Women's Day
Happy International Women's Day


February 28,2022

National Science Day (NSD) is celebrated every year on 28th February to commemorate the discovery of the ‘Raman Effect’ by Indian physicist Sir C.V. Raman for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1930.

The theme of National Science Day 2022 is “Integrated Approach in Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future.”

It is the time to sustain the spirit of investigation and innovation to find sustainable solutions for world’s problems.

NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY In a world that recognizes a child’s merit only by his test scores and where children are under constant pressure to excel, it is important for us ‘their teachers’, to ensure that our pedagogies are aligned with the uniqueness of each child’s personality.

The pandemic and the following lockdown provided us with a novel opportunity, to rethink our ‘teaching-learning pedagogies’ that would involve and engage the children in a truly unique way.

As you flip through the pages of MECHANOTROX, you will appreciate the ingenuity of our students in trying to apply the concepts of Physics to the toys designed by them. This e-magazine is an initiative towards changing the mindset of children, for whom subjects like Physics and Math kindle a fear of failure that makes them believe that these subjects simply aren’t their calling .The 3-dimensional toys illustrated in the newsletter, clearly demonstrate that various principles of Physics were learnt with ease and the learners were able to overcome their fear of the subject. It was truly an exemplar experiment where teachers made learning exciting through the use of toys and the students were more than willing to participate.

Of late, there has been a lot of stress on ‘Toy based Pedagogy’ which is in alignment with the NEP, 2020 and Prime Minister’s vision of “Vocal for

Local" and “Kaushal Bharat, Kushal Bharat”, to create an “Aatm Nirbhar” Bharat. I hope we are able to put NEP into action in its true spirit in the coming times.

We at Bal Bharati would continue to be responsive to the clarion call of ‘Change’ to stay in sync with the changing times and emerge better than the best.



National Science Day
National Science Day


February 04,2022


Enjoy every little thing that life has set for you and fight for the things you want to. Be healthy and inspire others to be healthy to have a cancer-free life.


January 30,2022


Martyrs do not die, they continue to live in our hearts as inspiration….

30th January is observed as Martyrs' Day by our nation and Bal Bharati Public School, Noida celebrates the valour and courage of our brave hearts and commemorates the sacrifices of all those who lost their lives defending the sovereignty of the nation.
Jai Hind !





Martyrs' Day
Martyrs' Day


January 30,2022



World Leprosy Eradication Day


January 26,2022


Justice, Equality, Liberty, and Fraternity.
Bal Bharati Public School, Noida salutes the four pillars of our great Indian Constitution.

May we always have freedom to choose, freedom to live and freedom to dream...

Happy 73rd Republic Day!.

Veer Gatha Project was an initiative by CBSE series in association with Ministry of Defence in partnership with Ministry of Education at an all-India level from 21st October to 20th November 2021 for school students of standard III to XII in all States and Union Territories as well as all schools affiliated to CBSE.
The activity was organized to disseminate the details of acts of bravery and life stories of the officers/personnel of the Armed Forces, other lawfully constituted forces and civilians, among the students.
Students of Bal Bharati Public School, Noida, actively and most willingly participated in the project and shared their views about their heroes. We are awed by the patriotic fervour these brave men and women inspire. Let’s listen to their stories and feel this call of nation resounding in our veins.


Report Republic Day 2022


Republic Day Celebrations
Republic Day Celebrations
73 Republic Day Celebrations
Republic Day Celebrations
Republic Day Celebrations


January 23,2022

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti as Parakram Diwas

In order to honour and remember Netaji's indomitable spirit and selfless service to the nation, the Government of India has started celebrating his birthday on January 23 every year as 'Parakram Diwas' to inspire people of the country, especially the youth, to act with fortitude in the face of adversity as Netaji did, and to infuse in them a spirit of patriotic fervour.

On this occasion, our school has taken up various initiatives to pay tribute to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
Wishing the spirit of "Parakram Diwas" inspires everyone.
Jai Hind 🇮🇳

Subhas Chandra Bose Jayanti


December 22,2021

Mathematics is the most beautiful and powerful creation of the human spirit. Mathematics surrounds the universe. It makes our life orderly and prevents chaos. The inherent qualities like budgeting, analysis, power of reasoning, critical thinking, problem solving and creativity are nurtured with mathematics. It also develops our abstract and spatial thinking.

Mathematics is not only about numbers, equations, computations or algorithms, it is about understanding.

Let's celebrate Mathematics Day today and everyday




National Mathematic Day


December 14,2021

Every year on the 14th of December,  National Energy Conservation Day is observed to raise awareness about the significance of energy and the need of saving or conserving energy by using energy efficiently. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under Ministry of Power spearheads the celebrations every year.

Every bit of conserved energy can make a big difference.
We at Bal Bharati Public School ,Noida pledge to make efforts towards saving energy resources and switching to sustainable means.

Have a Happy and enlightened National Energy Conservation Day.

National Energy Conservation Day


December 10,2021

The Human Rights Day is annually celebrated worldwide on 10th December each year to commemorate the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of Charter of Universal Human Rights on 10 December 1948. These rights are held inalienable for every individual irrespective of their race, class, caste, creed, gender and religion. Human rights describe the universality of sanctity of human life and lead it with dignity, respect and without fear. Bal Bharati Public School Noida believes that this day not only reminds us of the struggles which people have undergone to ensure such rights but also many more struggles which we have to undergo to ensure no person on this planet is deprived of these rights unjustly.

May this day be an occasion to honor our rights and realize the duties which will ensure these rights.


December 03,2021


Every year 3rd December is observed as the ‘International Day of Persons with Disabilities’.

The observance of the day aims to promote an understanding of the issues pertaining to disability and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. It also seeks to increase awareness of gains to be derived from the integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life.

The theme for this year’s International Day of Persons with Disability is ‘Leadership and Participation of Persons with Disabilities towards an Inclusive, Accessible, and Sustainable post-COVID-19 world’..

We, at Bal Bharati Public School, Noida pledge to foster an inclusive environment by overcoming attitudinal and behavioral barriers by building a sense of trust, compassion and respect towards people with disabilities

International Day of Persons with Disabilities


December 01,2021


Together we must work hard to put an end to this disease and have a beautiful tomorrow….

An enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, also called ELISA test, that may be used as a screening tool to diagnose HIV AIDS. Early antiretroviral treatment is crucial to improve the quality of life.

AIDS is caused by HIV, a retro virus; Human Immuno Deficiency Virus. Many people with HIV have no symptoms for several years. The person becomes vulnerable to serious illnesses and can pass HIV to healthy person.

End inequalities. End AIDS. End pandemics

Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome is non curable due to its nature of pathogen.

This World AIDS Day, 1 December 2021, UNAIDS is highlighting the urgent need to end the inequalities that drive AIDS and other pandemics around the world.

HIV virus AIDS, a sexually transmitted disease – is passed from one person to another through blood-to-blood contact, infected blood, used Syringes, infected Razors at barber's shop. The mother can pass the infection on to her child during childbirth, pregnancy and also through breastfeeding.

The Red Ribbon is the world wide symbol of support and awareness for people living with HIV. There is currently no cure for HIV/AIDS.





April 23,2022


To promote the habit of reading and to make people aware of the importance of books, World Book and Copyright Day is celebrated every year on April 23. The date is symbolic for world literature as the world remembers the literary giants, William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.
Marking the day, UNESCO aims to inculcate reading habits among people, especially the youth. World Book and Copyright Day focuses on the importance of enhancing, protecting the indigenous languages and the literary works.

World Book and Copyright Day
World Book and Copyright Day


April 18,2022


On the occasion of Heritage Day, let us promise ourselves that we will do our bit to preserve our heritage. Warm greetings on Heritage Day

World Heritage Day


April 4,2022


"Happiness is the highest form of health."
Dalai Lama

The Climate crisis is also a health crisis. 
Over 90% of people breathe unhealthy air resulting from burning of fossil fuels. A heating world is seeing mosquitos spread diseases farther and faster than ever before. Extreme weather events, land degradation and water scarcity are displacing people and affecting their health. Pollution and plastics are found at the bottom of our deepest oceans, the highest mountains, and have made their way into our food chain. Systems that produce highly processed, unhealthy foods and beverages are driving a wave of obesity, increasing cancer and heart disease while generating a third of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Let's create the ecosystem where cities are liveable and people have control over their health and the health of the planet

Stay Safe Stay Healthy

An initiative by the Health & Wellness Club, Bal Bharati Public School, Noida

World Health Day
World Health Day


April 2,2022


The essence of World Autism Awareness Day lies in accepting the people suffering autism as normal people and giving them equal opportunities.They have their own battles to fight. Let us not complicate their lives further with our behavior. Happy World Autism Awareness Day.

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” — Dr. Seuss
World Autism Awareness Day is an internationally recognized day. It is observed on 2nd April every year to raise awareness about people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders including Autism and Asperger Syndrome throughout the world.

On this World Autism Awareness Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to an inclusive, equitable and sustainable world for people with autism.

World Autism Awareness Day
World Autism Awareness Day


March 15,2022


World Consumer Right Day
World Consumer Right Day


March 14,2022

Today is the day to celebrate the mathematical constant pi (π ) and eat lots of pie.

3.14 or 3/14 is the best day to celebrate the mathematical constant π as it helps us with so many things in life from satellite orbits to sound wave science to our buildings and bridges!

Pi day is a unique combination of fun and education which we observe on 14th March as International Pie Day!

A fun fact: Do you know 3.14% of sailors are pi-rates?
Happy Pi Day! 🥧

National PI Day


March 8,2022

To all the incredible women, shine on, not just today but every single day. Happy Women's Day.

International Women's day celebrated on 8th March every year is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity and working towards a gender-equal world.

A world that is free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.

So today, let us all come together and #Break the bias

Today let us recognize the extraordinary acts of women and stand together as a united force, to advance gender equality around the world..


Hey Woman!

You are wind, you are water

You are snow, you are fire

You are vibrant, you are fierce

You are one of a kind!

Lets salute women power and dress up our best this Women’s Day!!
Be proud of all that we do and all that we are🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

International Women's Day
Happy International Women's Day


February 28,2022

National Science Day (NSD) is celebrated every year on 28th February to commemorate the discovery of the ‘Raman Effect’ by Indian physicist Sir C.V. Raman for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1930.

The theme of National Science Day 2022 is “Integrated Approach in Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future.”

It is the time to sustain the spirit of investigation and innovation to find sustainable solutions for world’s problems.

NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY In a world that recognizes a child’s merit only by his test scores and where children are under constant pressure to excel, it is important for us ‘their teachers’, to ensure that our pedagogies are aligned with the uniqueness of each child’s personality.

The pandemic and the following lockdown provided us with a novel opportunity, to rethink our ‘teaching-learning pedagogies’ that would involve and engage the children in a truly unique way.

As you flip through the pages of MECHANOTROX, you will appreciate the ingenuity of our students in trying to apply the concepts of Physics to the toys designed by them. This e-magazine is an initiative towards changing the mindset of children, for whom subjects like Physics and Math kindle a fear of failure that makes them believe that these subjects simply aren’t their calling .The 3-dimensional toys illustrated in the newsletter, clearly demonstrate that various principles of Physics were learnt with ease and the learners were able to overcome their fear of the subject. It was truly an exemplar experiment where teachers made learning exciting through the use of toys and the students were more than willing to participate.

Of late, there has been a lot of stress on ‘Toy based Pedagogy’ which is in alignment with the NEP, 2020 and Prime Minister’s vision of “Vocal for

Local" and “Kaushal Bharat, Kushal Bharat”, to create an “Aatm Nirbhar” Bharat. I hope we are able to put NEP into action in its true spirit in the coming times.

We at Bal Bharati would continue to be responsive to the clarion call of ‘Change’ to stay in sync with the changing times and emerge better than the best.



National Science Day
National Science Day


February 04,2022


Enjoy every little thing that life has set for you and fight for the things you want to. Be healthy and inspire others to be healthy to have a cancer-free life.


January 30,2022


Martyrs do not die, they continue to live in our hearts as inspiration….

30th January is observed as Martyrs' Day by our nation and Bal Bharati Public School, Noida celebrates the valour and courage of our brave hearts and commemorates the sacrifices of all those who lost their lives defending the sovereignty of the nation.
Jai Hind !





Martyrs' Day
Martyrs' Day


January 30,2022



World Leprosy Eradication Day


January 26,2022


Justice, Equality, Liberty, and Fraternity.
Bal Bharati Public School, Noida salutes the four pillars of our great Indian Constitution.

May we always have freedom to choose, freedom to live and freedom to dream...

Happy 73rd Republic Day!.

Veer Gatha Project was an initiative by CBSE series in association with Ministry of Defence in partnership with Ministry of Education at an all-India level from 21st October to 20th November 2021 for school students of standard III to XII in all States and Union Territories as well as all schools affiliated to CBSE.
The activity was organized to disseminate the details of acts of bravery and life stories of the officers/personnel of the Armed Forces, other lawfully constituted forces and civilians, among the students.
Students of Bal Bharati Public School, Noida, actively and most willingly participated in the project and shared their views about their heroes. We are awed by the patriotic fervour these brave men and women inspire. Let’s listen to their stories and feel this call of nation resounding in our veins.


Report Republic Day 2022


Republic Day Celebrations
Republic Day Celebrations
73 Republic Day Celebrations
Republic Day Celebrations
Republic Day Celebrations


January 23,2022

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti as Parakram Diwas

In order to honour and remember Netaji's indomitable spirit and selfless service to the nation, the Government of India has started celebrating his birthday on January 23 every year as 'Parakram Diwas' to inspire people of the country, especially the youth, to act with fortitude in the face of adversity as Netaji did, and to infuse in them a spirit of patriotic fervour.

On this occasion, our school has taken up various initiatives to pay tribute to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
Wishing the spirit of "Parakram Diwas" inspires everyone.
Jai Hind 🇮🇳

Subhas Chandra Bose Jayanti


December 22,2021

Mathematics is the most beautiful and powerful creation of the human spirit. Mathematics surrounds the universe. It makes our life orderly and prevents chaos. The inherent qualities like budgeting, analysis, power of reasoning, critical thinking, problem solving and creativity are nurtured with mathematics. It also develops our abstract and spatial thinking.

Mathematics is not only about numbers, equations, computations or algorithms, it is about understanding.

Let's celebrate Mathematics Day today and everyday




National Mathematic Day


December 14,2021

Every year on the 14th of December,  National Energy Conservation Day is observed to raise awareness about the significance of energy and the need of saving or conserving energy by using energy efficiently. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under Ministry of Power spearheads the celebrations every year.

Every bit of conserved energy can make a big difference.
We at Bal Bharati Public School ,Noida pledge to make efforts towards saving energy resources and switching to sustainable means.

Have a Happy and enlightened National Energy Conservation Day.

National Energy Conservation Day


December 10,2021

The Human Rights Day is annually celebrated worldwide on 10th December each year to commemorate the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of Charter of Universal Human Rights on 10 December 1948. These rights are held inalienable for every individual irrespective of their race, class, caste, creed, gender and religion. Human rights describe the universality of sanctity of human life and lead it with dignity, respect and without fear. Bal Bharati Public School Noida believes that this day not only reminds us of the struggles which people have undergone to ensure such rights but also many more struggles which we have to undergo to ensure no person on this planet is deprived of these rights unjustly.

May this day be an occasion to honor our rights and realize the duties which will ensure these rights.


December 03,2021


Every year 3rd December is observed as the ‘International Day of Persons with Disabilities’.

The observance of the day aims to promote an understanding of the issues pertaining to disability and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. It also seeks to increase awareness of gains to be derived from the integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life.

The theme for this year’s International Day of Persons with Disability is ‘Leadership and Participation of Persons with Disabilities towards an Inclusive, Accessible, and Sustainable post-COVID-19 world’..

We, at Bal Bharati Public School, Noida pledge to foster an inclusive environment by overcoming attitudinal and behavioral barriers by building a sense of trust, compassion and respect towards people with disabilities

International Day of Persons with Disabilities


December 01,2021


Together we must work hard to put an end to this disease and have a beautiful tomorrow….

An enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, also called ELISA test, that may be used as a screening tool to diagnose HIV AIDS. Early antiretroviral treatment is crucial to improve the quality of life.

AIDS is caused by HIV, a retro virus; Human Immuno Deficiency Virus. Many people with HIV have no symptoms for several years. The person becomes vulnerable to serious illnesses and can pass HIV to healthy person.

End inequalities. End AIDS. End pandemics

Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome is non curable due to its nature of pathogen.

This World AIDS Day, 1 December 2021, UNAIDS is highlighting the urgent need to end the inequalities that drive AIDS and other pandemics around the world.

HIV virus AIDS, a sexually transmitted disease – is passed from one person to another through blood-to-blood contact, infected blood, used Syringes, infected Razors at barber's shop. The mother can pass the infection on to her child during childbirth, pregnancy and also through breastfeeding.

The Red Ribbon is the world wide symbol of support and awareness for people living with HIV. There is currently no cure for HIV/AIDS.





April 23,2022


To promote the habit of reading and to make people aware of the importance of books, World Book and Copyright Day is celebrated every year on April 23. The date is symbolic for world literature as the world remembers the literary giants, William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.
Marking the day, UNESCO aims to inculcate reading habits among people, especially the youth. World Book and Copyright Day focuses on the importance of enhancing, protecting the indigenous languages and the literary works.

World Book and Copyright Day
World Book and Copyright Day


April 18,2022


On the occasion of Heritage Day, let us promise ourselves that we will do our bit to preserve our heritage. Warm greetings on Heritage Day

World Heritage Day


April 4,2022


"Happiness is the highest form of health."
Dalai Lama

The Climate crisis is also a health crisis. 
Over 90% of people breathe unhealthy air resulting from burning of fossil fuels. A heating world is seeing mosquitos spread diseases farther and faster than ever before. Extreme weather events, land degradation and water scarcity are displacing people and affecting their health. Pollution and plastics are found at the bottom of our deepest oceans, the highest mountains, and have made their way into our food chain. Systems that produce highly processed, unhealthy foods and beverages are driving a wave of obesity, increasing cancer and heart disease while generating a third of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Let's create the ecosystem where cities are liveable and people have control over their health and the health of the planet

Stay Safe Stay Healthy

An initiative by the Health & Wellness Club, Bal Bharati Public School, Noida

World Health Day
World Health Day


April 2,2022


The essence of World Autism Awareness Day lies in accepting the people suffering autism as normal people and giving them equal opportunities.They have their own battles to fight. Let us not complicate their lives further with our behavior. Happy World Autism Awareness Day.

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” — Dr. Seuss
World Autism Awareness Day is an internationally recognized day. It is observed on 2nd April every year to raise awareness about people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders including Autism and Asperger Syndrome throughout the world.

On this World Autism Awareness Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to an inclusive, equitable and sustainable world for people with autism.

World Autism Awareness Day
World Autism Awareness Day


March 15,2022


World Consumer Right Day
World Consumer Right Day


March 14,2022

Today is the day to celebrate the mathematical constant pi (π ) and eat lots of pie.

3.14 or 3/14 is the best day to celebrate the mathematical constant π as it helps us with so many things in life from satellite orbits to sound wave science to our buildings and bridges!

Pi day is a unique combination of fun and education which we observe on 14th March as International Pie Day!

A fun fact: Do you know 3.14% of sailors are pi-rates?
Happy Pi Day! 🥧

National PI Day


March 8,2022

To all the incredible women, shine on, not just today but every single day. Happy Women's Day.

International Women's day celebrated on 8th March every year is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity and working towards a gender-equal world.

A world that is free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.

So today, let us all come together and #Break the bias

Today let us recognize the extraordinary acts of women and stand together as a united force, to advance gender equality around the world..


Hey Woman!

You are wind, you are water

You are snow, you are fire

You are vibrant, you are fierce

You are one of a kind!

Lets salute women power and dress up our best this Women’s Day!!
Be proud of all that we do and all that we are🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

International Women's Day
Happy International Women's Day


February 28,2022

National Science Day (NSD) is celebrated every year on 28th February to commemorate the discovery of the ‘Raman Effect’ by Indian physicist Sir C.V. Raman for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1930.

The theme of National Science Day 2022 is “Integrated Approach in Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future.”

It is the time to sustain the spirit of investigation and innovation to find sustainable solutions for world’s problems.

NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY In a world that recognizes a child’s merit only by his test scores and where children are under constant pressure to excel, it is important for us ‘their teachers’, to ensure that our pedagogies are aligned with the uniqueness of each child’s personality.

The pandemic and the following lockdown provided us with a novel opportunity, to rethink our ‘teaching-learning pedagogies’ that would involve and engage the children in a truly unique way.

As you flip through the pages of MECHANOTROX, you will appreciate the ingenuity of our students in trying to apply the concepts of Physics to the toys designed by them. This e-magazine is an initiative towards changing the mindset of children, for whom subjects like Physics and Math kindle a fear of failure that makes them believe that these subjects simply aren’t their calling .The 3-dimensional toys illustrated in the newsletter, clearly demonstrate that various principles of Physics were learnt with ease and the learners were able to overcome their fear of the subject. It was truly an exemplar experiment where teachers made learning exciting through the use of toys and the students were more than willing to participate.

Of late, there has been a lot of stress on ‘Toy based Pedagogy’ which is in alignment with the NEP, 2020 and Prime Minister’s vision of “Vocal for

Local" and “Kaushal Bharat, Kushal Bharat”, to create an “Aatm Nirbhar” Bharat. I hope we are able to put NEP into action in its true spirit in the coming times.

We at Bal Bharati would continue to be responsive to the clarion call of ‘Change’ to stay in sync with the changing times and emerge better than the best.



National Science Day
National Science Day


February 04,2022


Enjoy every little thing that life has set for you and fight for the things you want to. Be healthy and inspire others to be healthy to have a cancer-free life.


January 30,2022


Martyrs do not die, they continue to live in our hearts as inspiration….

30th January is observed as Martyrs' Day by our nation and Bal Bharati Public School, Noida celebrates the valour and courage of our brave hearts and commemorates the sacrifices of all those who lost their lives defending the sovereignty of the nation.
Jai Hind !





Martyrs' Day
Martyrs' Day


January 30,2022



World Leprosy Eradication Day


January 26,2022


Justice, Equality, Liberty, and Fraternity.
Bal Bharati Public School, Noida salutes the four pillars of our great Indian Constitution.

May we always have freedom to choose, freedom to live and freedom to dream...

Happy 73rd Republic Day!.

Veer Gatha Project was an initiative by CBSE series in association with Ministry of Defence in partnership with Ministry of Education at an all-India level from 21st October to 20th November 2021 for school students of standard III to XII in all States and Union Territories as well as all schools affiliated to CBSE.
The activity was organized to disseminate the details of acts of bravery and life stories of the officers/personnel of the Armed Forces, other lawfully constituted forces and civilians, among the students.
Students of Bal Bharati Public School, Noida, actively and most willingly participated in the project and shared their views about their heroes. We are awed by the patriotic fervour these brave men and women inspire. Let’s listen to their stories and feel this call of nation resounding in our veins.


Report Republic Day 2022


Republic Day Celebrations
Republic Day Celebrations
73 Republic Day Celebrations
Republic Day Celebrations
Republic Day Celebrations


January 23,2022

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti as Parakram Diwas

In order to honour and remember Netaji's indomitable spirit and selfless service to the nation, the Government of India has started celebrating his birthday on January 23 every year as 'Parakram Diwas' to inspire people of the country, especially the youth, to act with fortitude in the face of adversity as Netaji did, and to infuse in them a spirit of patriotic fervour.

On this occasion, our school has taken up various initiatives to pay tribute to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
Wishing the spirit of "Parakram Diwas" inspires everyone.
Jai Hind 🇮🇳

Subhas Chandra Bose Jayanti


December 22,2021

Mathematics is the most beautiful and powerful creation of the human spirit. Mathematics surrounds the universe. It makes our life orderly and prevents chaos. The inherent qualities like budgeting, analysis, power of reasoning, critical thinking, problem solving and creativity are nurtured with mathematics. It also develops our abstract and spatial thinking.

Mathematics is not only about numbers, equations, computations or algorithms, it is about understanding.

Let's celebrate Mathematics Day today and everyday




National Mathematic Day


December 14,2021

Every year on the 14th of December,  National Energy Conservation Day is observed to raise awareness about the significance of energy and the need of saving or conserving energy by using energy efficiently. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under Ministry of Power spearheads the celebrations every year.

Every bit of conserved energy can make a big difference.
We at Bal Bharati Public School ,Noida pledge to make efforts towards saving energy resources and switching to sustainable means.

Have a Happy and enlightened National Energy Conservation Day.

National Energy Conservation Day


December 10,2021

The Human Rights Day is annually celebrated worldwide on 10th December each year to commemorate the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of Charter of Universal Human Rights on 10 December 1948. These rights are held inalienable for every individual irrespective of their race, class, caste, creed, gender and religion. Human rights describe the universality of sanctity of human life and lead it with dignity, respect and without fear. Bal Bharati Public School Noida believes that this day not only reminds us of the struggles which people have undergone to ensure such rights but also many more struggles which we have to undergo to ensure no person on this planet is deprived of these rights unjustly.

May this day be an occasion to honor our rights and realize the duties which will ensure these rights.


December 03,2021


Every year 3rd December is observed as the ‘International Day of Persons with Disabilities’.

The observance of the day aims to promote an understanding of the issues pertaining to disability and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. It also seeks to increase awareness of gains to be derived from the integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life.

The theme for this year’s International Day of Persons with Disability is ‘Leadership and Participation of Persons with Disabilities towards an Inclusive, Accessible, and Sustainable post-COVID-19 world’..

We, at Bal Bharati Public School, Noida pledge to foster an inclusive environment by overcoming attitudinal and behavioral barriers by building a sense of trust, compassion and respect towards people with disabilities

International Day of Persons with Disabilities


December 01,2021


Together we must work hard to put an end to this disease and have a beautiful tomorrow….

An enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, also called ELISA test, that may be used as a screening tool to diagnose HIV AIDS. Early antiretroviral treatment is crucial to improve the quality of life.

AIDS is caused by HIV, a retro virus; Human Immuno Deficiency Virus. Many people with HIV have no symptoms for several years. The person becomes vulnerable to serious illnesses and can pass HIV to healthy person.

End inequalities. End AIDS. End pandemics

Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome is non curable due to its nature of pathogen.

This World AIDS Day, 1 December 2021, UNAIDS is highlighting the urgent need to end the inequalities that drive AIDS and other pandemics around the world.

HIV virus AIDS, a sexually transmitted disease – is passed from one person to another through blood-to-blood contact, infected blood, used Syringes, infected Razors at barber's shop. The mother can pass the infection on to her child during childbirth, pregnancy and also through breastfeeding.

The Red Ribbon is the world wide symbol of support and awareness for people living with HIV. There is currently no cure for HIV/AIDS.





November 26,2021


Constitution Day is observed every year on 26 November in India. This day celebrates the adoption of the Constitution in India.

On 26 November 1949, the Constituent Assembly of India adopted the Constitution of India. It came into effect from 26 January 1950 (Republic Day).

Constitution Day is also known as Samvidhan Diwas and National Law Day. This day aims to promote constitutional values among the citizens of India.

National Constitution Day



November 25,2021


“If we are to fight discrimination and injustice against women we must start from the home for if a woman cannot be safe in her own house then she cannot be expected to feel safe anywhere.”.



November 14,2021

Children's Day, also known as Bal Diwas is celebrated every year in India on 14 November, birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India. Nehruji once said that Children are like buds in a garden and should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they are the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow. With the same thought we, Bal Bharati Public School, Noida wish you all a very happy Children’s Day..

बचपन में सबसे अधिक पूछा गया एक सवाल…

बड़े होकर क्या बनना है?
अब जाकर जवाब मिला कि

फिर से बच्चा बनना है।

बाल दिवस की बधाई l

Happy Children's Day
Happy Children's Day
Happy Children's Day


November 14,2021

Life is so much better, happier and healthier if there is no diabetes to bother us. Let us aim for a life without diabetes. Warm greetings on World Diabetes Day to all.

World Day Diabetes


National Education Day is celebrated every year on November 11 in India to mark the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.
“Recover and Revitalize Education for the COVID-19 Generation” is the Theme of International Education Day 2021 proclaimed by UNESCO for the current year 2021. The purpose of the 2021 theme is to strengthen and welcome the revival of education.

National Education Day


National Cancer Awareness Day is observed across the country on November 7 to spread awareness about preventing the spread of cancer and its early detection. The day also coincides with the birth anniversary of eminent French-Polish scientist Madame Curie. She is famous for her work on radioactivity and is twice a winner of the Nobel Prize. She was the first woman to win a Nobel prize

National Cancer Awareness Day


No distinctions of caste and creed should hamper us. All are the sons and daughters of India. We should all love our country and build our destiny on mutual love and help – Sardar Patel

Rashtria Exta Diwas
Rashtria Exta Diwas


The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization that aims to foster the vitality and dynamism of peace and security worldwide. Celebrating these incredible sentiments of hope and encouraging changes each year, October 24 is celebrated as UN Day.

Keeping our spirits high, let us all pledge to work towards repairing the broken, healing the injured, uplifting the downtrodden, fixing the damaged and making the world a better place to live. Happy United

Nations Day!

United Nations Day Video



On World Food Day, we must promise ourselves to never waste food, as an initiative and contribution to save food for those who are hungry. Let us make a big difference with our small actions. – Happy World Food Day!

World Food Day


“There is no better way to thank god for your sight than to help someone who is the dark.” Spread awareness and celebrate this occasion of World Sight Day.

World Sight Day


The International Day for Disaster Reduction is an international day that encourages every citizen and government to take part in building more disaster-resilient communities and nations. Disaster risk governance' is the theme of this year's International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction on 13 October.


Click 2nd Video

Click Video




An Educated Woman Has the Power to Educate the Whole Family. Empower the Girl Child! Happy International Day of the Girl Child

International Day of the Girl Child



World Mental Health Day is observed on 10th October every year, to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilize efforts in support of mental health.

Social stigma, discrimination, and human rights abuses of people with mental health conditions further precipitate the situation of mental health disorders.That's why the WHO started the initiative to observe World Mental Health Day to raise awareness about the common psychological conditions and remove stigma attached to them.

This Mental Health Day let's pledge to take care of our minds.
Because health is not a condition of matter,but of mind.


They are the ones who make sure that we wake up with free skies on our heads and free land under our feet…. Thanks to the Air Force on Indian Air Force Day.

Indian Air Force Day





World Space Week celebrated globally from 4 to 10 October is an effort to acknowledge.
the contributions of Space Science and Technology for the betterment of the human kind. The theme for the year 2021' Women in Space' is an effort to create awareness about gender diversity in the Space sector.

We ,at BBPS Noida ,aim to inspire the young generation about Science, Technology, Engineering and Math as OUR FUTURE LIES WITH TODAY'S KIDS AND TOMORROW'S SPACE EXPLORATION.



OCTOBER 2, 2021


“It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err.” ― Mahatma Gandhi .

We keep moving with his wise words in our heart;
With our soul full of gratitude, we hold Gandhiji in high regard.
On this occassion of Gandhi Jayanti, let's take a moment and live by his words. Be the change you want to see in the world.
Forever in the heart, Our Bapu 🙏🏻









Walking with a stick doesn’t make them weak, it depicts their strength and eagerness to remain independent.
Happy International Day for Older Persons.

International Day of Older Persons



Vegetarian food leaves a deep impression on our nature. If the whole world adopts vegetarianism, it can change the destiny of humankind.” –Albert Einstein.

World Vegetarian Day


The best way to keep your heart in a healthy state is by eating right, sleeping right and not taking stress. Best wishes on World Heart Day!

World Heart Day


World tourism Day, celebrated each year on 27 September,is the global observance day fostering awareness of tourism’s social, cultural, political and economic value and the contribution that the sector can make towards reaching the sustainable goal.

UNWTO has designated World Tourism Day 2021 as a day to focus on ‘Tourism For Inclusive Growth’.This is an opportunity to look beyond tourism statistics and acknowledge that, behind every number, there is a person.

We, at BBPS NOIDA, are committed to promote tourism as an instrument to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, geared towards encouraging students to take up tourism as a career and build relations beyond boundaries…….

To mark the day, a series of activities were planned and executed for classes I-XII. Students’ excitement was palpable.Here are few glimpses of the celebration..


Every year, 21st September is observed as World Alzheimer’s Day. Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease. It is the most common form of dementia that generalizes memory loss and loss of other essential cognitive abilities that are serious enough to interfere with an individual’s daily life. This day is observed to raise awareness and challenge the common stigma that surrounds Alzheimer.


“Learning sign languages isn’t just learning various sign for very similar things, however learning another approach to consider things”

International Day of Sign Languages


It isn’t enough to talk about peace,
One must believe in it.
And it isn’t enough to believe in it
One must work work at it..

In the world full of strife, let us all unite and promulgate peace.

Let us be the beacon of tranquility and broaden the horizon with mutual bonding, love and respect towards one another.

Let calmness harness equanimity and develop harmony everywhere. Let us spread peace and brotherhood and promise to make our world, a beautiful place for mankind.

We ,the Bal Bharatians, pledge on this day to accord empathy, kindness and peace for all times to come.

In the words of Mother Teresa, ‘Peace begins with a smile’, lets all smile and spread love, hope, laughter and cheer around.


Click Video International Peace Day


On the occasion of World Ozone Day, let us always remember that we are the ones responsible for its destruction and we are the ones who need to protect it.

Earth without the ozone layer is like a house without a roof; Save the Ozone layer.” Go green, go genius, stamp the carbon, stand tall, and stitch the ozone layer.” Keep Ozone from becoming the no zone.

Click Video




Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and Congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country."

On the occasion of International Day of Democracy, let us all unite to protect and promote democracy all over the world, for no nation can have truly happy and prosperous citizens in the absence of a functioning democracy.



International Day of Democracy

हिंदी  दिवस 

SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 

हिंदी दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ !
हिंदी अपने गौरवशाली इतिहास के साथ, वैश्विक मंच पर आज एक महत्त्वपूर्ण भाषा के रूप में स्थापित हो चुकी है। विश्व के विविध देशों में हिंदी सीखने में निरंतर रुचि बढ़ रही है । विविधता में एकता की हमारी परंपरा को हिंदी भाषा ने सतत समृद्ध किया है ।
हिंदी भाषा की सहजता इसे विशिष्ट बनाती है । हम दुनिया के किसी भी कोने में हों , जब हमारे कानों में कहीं से हिंदी भाषा के शब्द पड़ते हैं तो एक विशेष स्नेह का भाव हमारे मन में आता है ।
तेज़ी से बदलते विश्व में हिंदी डिजिटल माध्यम से अधिकाधिक लोगों तक प्रभावी रूप से पहुँच रही है । कोरोना महामारी के दौरान शीघ्रता से जानकारियाँ पहुँचानी हों या शिक्षण , प्रशिक्षण , कौशल व व्यवसाय से जुड़े कार्य हों , हिंदी की सरलता व व्यापकता को सभी ने एक नए सिरे से अनुभव किया है ।
अपनी भाषा को हम आने वाली पीढ़ियों तक पहुँचाते हुए , इसके अधिकतम प्रयोग को सुनिश्चित करके इसे आगे बढ़ा सकते हैं । हमें विश्वास है कि देश-विदेश में रह रहे सभी हिंदी प्रेमी इसके व्यापक प्रचार-प्रसार और इससे अधिकाधिक लोगों को जोड़ने के लिए लगातार कार्य करते रहेंगे तथा अंतर्राष्ट्रीय पटल पर भारत की बढ़ती प्रतिष्ठा के साथ हिंदी भाषा के प्रचार-प्रसार में भी और अधिक गति आएगी ।
सभी हिंदी प्रेमियों तथा हिंदी भाषियों को शुभकामनाएँ देते हुए हम आशा करते हैं कि हिंदी भाषा के प्रचार-प्रसार में आप सभी और अधिक समर्पित भाव से कार्य करेंगे ।


बाल भारती परिवार







The International Literacy Day on 8th September, 2021 heralds a human-centered recovery that bridges the digital divide and empowers the learners to choose what adds value to their lives. Tech-Literacy and Distance learning are the need of the hour to keep pace with the emerging new age pedagogies. Today, the school is just a click of a button away as challenges disappear and e-learning becomes a successful and viable option.

Click Video



AUGUST 22, 2021 

'संस्कृतिः संस्कृतमाश्रिता'

भारतीय संस्कृति की प्राणस्वरूपा - संस्कृत

संस्कृत संस्कृति को जोड़ने का माध्यम है आज की पीढ़ी को संस्कृत से जोड़ने के लिए तथा इस भाषा के गौरवशाली महत्त्व को स्वीकार करते हुए नई राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति-2020' में शिक्षाक्षेत्र के सभी स्तरों पर संस्कृत को जीवन जीने की मुख्य धारा में शामिल करने अपनाने पर बल दिया गया है। केवल स्कूल ही नहीं, कॉलेज के स्तर पर भी संस्कृत का ज्ञान अवश्य मिलना चाहिए | देवभाषा संस्कृत किसी भी भारतीय का सर गर्व से ऊंचा करने में समर्थ है संपूर्ण भारत मेंसंस्कृत-दिवसप्रतिवर्ष 'श्रावणी पूर्णिमा' अर्थात् रक्षाबन्धन के दिन मनाया जाता है।

विद्यालय में संस्कृत को जीवंत बनाए रखने, संस्कृत भाषा का वातावरण बनाने, तथा विद्यालयीय-शिक्षा में इस भाषा को सभी स्तरों तक सम्मिलित करने के उद्देश्य से चाइल्ड एजूकेशन सोसायटी की स्कूल सलाहकार परिषद के निर्देशानुसार तथा विद्यालय की प्रधानाचार्या महोदया की प्रेरणा उनके मार्गदर्शन में प्री-स्कूल से लेकर कक्षा दशमी तक के विद्यार्थियों को प्रतिदिन ऑनलाइन शिक्षण के समय संस्कृत श्लोक सिखाए जा रहे हैं | इस देवभाषा के प्रचार प्रसार में सतत प्रयत्नशील हमारे विद्यालय का विश्वास है कि 'मातृदेवो भव', 'पितृदेवो भव', 'सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः' तथा 'वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्' आदि नैतिक मूल्यो से युक्त संस्कृत भाषा का अध्ययन कर छात्र अपनी भारतीय संस्कृति से गौरवान्वित होकर भविष्य के प्रति उल्लासित होंगे ।आत्मार्थं जीवलोकेस्मिन् को जीवति मानवः

परं परोपकारार्थं यो जीवति जीवति ll

Sanskrit Diwas Video Link



AUGUST 13, 2021 

आत्मार्थं जीवलोकेस्मिन् को न जीवति मानवः ।
परं परोपकारार्थं यो जीवति स जीवति ll

In this world, people live for themselves. Those who live for the betterment of others are actually alive.....
World Organ Donation Day is observed on August 13 every year to create awareness in people about the importance of organ and tissue donation.
A donation that can give life is a superior donation.
Bal Bharati is involved in spreading this message to masses in its unique ways.
Let's Pledge to donate an organ today to save many lives tomorrow



AUGUST 12, 2021 

Arise! Awake! And stop not until the goal is reached.”- Swami Vivekananda

Youth is the time in your life when you are young, full of spirit and curiosity in everything. The young ones are the backbone of any country and the young people are the future of any nation.


International Youth Day


AUGUST 01, 2021 

Friendship is what keeps us going, no matter how old or young we are. They are constantly around to brighten the atmosphere when tensions are high or to serve as an emotional facilitator when we need to vent out our life’s woes.
Happy Friendship Day !!

International Friendship Day


A safe and healthy environment is the key to the existence of life on planet Earth and the natural environment is a gift of nature that we need to conserve for the benefit of life in future.

World Nature Conservation Day is celebrated on 28th July across the world in order to raise awareness about protecting nature and conserving its natural resources.

We, at Bal Bharati Public School, Noida have always believed in ‘Catching our students Young and Instilling love and Care for our Mother Nature’. In this endeavour, a plethora of age appropriate activities were held by all the students to mark the importance of nature conservation and sustainability.

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
-George Bernard Shaw

Let us all join hands in saving our beautiful Mother Nature.

World Nature Conservation Day Report




World Hepatitis Day is observed each year on 28 July to raise awareness about Viral Hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver that causes severe liver disease and hepatocellular cancer. This year’s theme is “Hepatitis Can’t Wait”. With a person dying every 30 seconds from a hepatitis related illness – even in the current COVID-19 crisis – we can’t wait to act on viral hepatitis.

World Hepatitis Day


Kargil Vijay Diwas is celebrated on 26 July to celebrate India’s victory in the Kargil War that took place in 1999 between India and Pakistan. It is a day to remember the sacrifice of those brave soldiers who died in the line of duty to protect our great nation. Our flag does not fly because the wind moves, it flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.
Kargil Vijay Diwas 2021!


Every year on July 11, the world observes World Population Day. The size of a nation’s population has a major impact on its development and operations. The bigger a country’s population, the more difficult it is to develop at a quicker rate. As a result, reducing overpopulation is essential, whether on a national or global scale, to ensure the long-term growth of our existing resources.

World Population Day


Only a doctor is blessed with the magical powers to treat a life, to bring health into our lives and to be there with us when we have lost all the hopes. Happy Doctor’s Day 2021.


26th June is observed as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking as an expression of its determination to strengthen action and cooperation to achieve the goal of an international society free of drug abuse.The aim of the day is to make our country free from drug usage and preserve young minds.
Say No to Drugs

                                                       INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY -JUNE 21,2021


Yoga is all about creating a balance in your life. It is about balancing your senses, balancing your body, soul and mind in order to live healthy and live in peace. Wishing you a peaceful and healthy life on International Yoga Day.

                                                          Happy Father's Day - June 20, 2021 


"To be the father of a nation is a great honor, but to be the father of a family is a greater joy."

-Nelson Mandela


Happy Father's Day - June 20, 2021 View Link

                                                             Blood Donation Costs You Nothing, But
                                                  It Can Mean The World To Someone In Need.”


World Blood Donor Day takes place on 14 June each year. The aim is to raise global awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products for transfusion and of the critical contribution voluntary, unpaid blood donors.

Giving blood is a life-saving act of solidarity let's pledge to be a donor to make World Blood Donor Day 2021 a global success.

Give blood and keep the world beating

                                                       World Environment Day 2021


“Nature has no reward or punishment; it only has consequences”
World Environment Day is observed on 5th June every year. It is the United Nation`s principal vehicle for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the Environment.
The theme for World Environment Day 2021 is “Ecosystem Restoration” and will see the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.Also,
This year on May 21, we lost the Great Environmentalist and CHIPKO movement leader late Sunder Lal Bahuguna. What better way to pay homage than to take a pledge that we will plant as many trees as we can nurture and care for the environment in the best possible ways known to us.
This is our Moment. We cannot turn back time, but we can grow trees, green up our cities, rewild our gardens, change our diets and clean up rivers and coasts. We are the generation that can make peace with nature.
Let`s get active, not anxious. Let`s be bold, not timid.
Join # Bal Bhartians for Ecosystem Restoration..




Academic Session 2021-22

                                                 World No Tobacco Day 2021

"Life is too precious to smoke tobacco and therefore, we must save ourselves from it."

World No Tobacco Day is an annual event observed globally on 31st May. The campaign is one of the 11 official Global Public Health campaigns marked by the WHO.

Every year World No Tobacco is observed with a different theme; the theme of this year, 2021 is “Commit to quit”. The day informs the public on the dangers of using tobacco and what people around the world can do to claim their right to a healthy living. The Covid-19 pandemic has led to millions of tobacco users saying they want to quit.

“Make this No Tobacco Day more meaningful by keeping it away from your life.”.

                                                       International Day for Biological Diversity 2021


International Day For Biological Diversity is an annual event that takes place on May 22. It is an initiative taken by the United Nations to protect the earth and the variety of lives on it. International Day For Biological Diversity aims at raising awareness about the unprecedented environmental crisis that the world is facing and how to protect the biodiversity on earth. By Biodiversity, we mean the variety of species on earth, both flora and fauna.


"Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization."

The World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development is annually observed on 21 May to help people learn about the importance of cultural diversity and harmony . It celebrates not only the richness of the world's cultures, but also the essential role of intercultural dialogue for achieving peace and sustainable development.The day provides us with an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the values of cultural diversity and to advance the four goals of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions adopted on 20 October 2005:

•   Support sustainable systems of governance for culture .
• Achieve a balanced flow of cultural goods and services and increase mobility of artists and cultural professionals.
•   Integrate culture in sustainable development frameworks.
•   Promote human rights and fundamental freedoms.


“A family is like branches on a tree, we grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as One.” Families are the foundation of every society. Although no family is perfect, every family should strive to help each other to meet their physical and emotional needs. International Family Day is celebrated every year on 15 May with the aim of strengthening family bonds and raising awareness of issues related to families. Let us all come together, spread love and positivism and celebrate the day with the best intentions of the heart. Happy International Day of Families.

      MOTHERS' DAY 2021

Mothers hold a special place in our hearts.  Mother is the heartbeat in the home; and without her, there seems to be no heartthrob. She is the person whom we blindly rely on, one who never denies our wishes and an embodiment of unconditional love and support. It is difficult to define a mother in a few words. They are the idol of selfless love and affection despite how much occupied they are and are making every effort to make our lives better.

To make our mothers feel special, each year, the second Sunday of the month of May is celebrated as International Mother's Day across the world. It is a day when we want to thank her for all of the sleepless nights, Band-aids, long drives, shoulders to cry on, and the other countless ways she has supported us from near and far. Even though we are able to and definitely should spoil our mothers on any day throughout the year, the denoted day gives us an excuse to express our utmost gratitude.   This Mother's Day, let us celebrate her strength, her uniqueness, and her love.


It mirrors life, they say. Its trials and tribulations, joys and sorrows, hopes and losses… are all reminiscent of what life takes us through. Sport builds and reveals character of humans. It also serves as a great teacher, mentor, and motivator.
Happy World Athletics Day to one and all..


“The only true happiness a person can get is by helping out another person in need”.The people who volunteer to work for the benefit of the people in distress and humanity at large are the most inspiring people of all. Solutions to them and wishing everyone a Happy World Red Cross Day !.

Academic Session 2020-21

School Ranking and Award