Report on KCCI (Korean Cultural Centre India) Visit

Report on KCCI (Korean Cultural Centre India) Visit

The tourist takes his culture with him while the traveler leaves his culture behind’

The students of Classes VI, VII and VIII recently had the incredible opportunity to visit the Korean Cultural Centre India (KCCI). It was a day filled with excitement and cultural exploration. From the moment we stepped into the center, we were immersed in the vibrant and fascinating world of Korean culture. One of the highlights of our visit was learning about traditional Korean music. We were mesmerized by the beautiful melodies played by our classmates on various Korean instruments like jingo, kkwaenggwari, buk and jing. The music was so enchanting that it transported us to a different world. We also had the chance to try on traditional Korean attire, called Hanbok. It was a lot of fun to feel like Korean royalty for a while! The Hanbok were so colorful and elegant. We felt a sense of pride and connection to Korean culture as we walked around in our new outfits.                                                                                                                                                     

We also had the opportunity to participate in various traditional Korean games like tuho, jegichagi and various others games. These games were a lot of fun and a great way to experience Korean culture firsthand. We enjoyed playing games that involved skill, strategy, and teamwork. It was a unique and memorable experience.

Taekwondo was a significant part of our visit. We spent a considerable amount of time learning basic techniques, self-defense moves, and even some advanced kicks like front kick and roundhouse kick. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, we quickly progressed in our skills. We were amazed by the power, precision, and discipline required in this martial art.

The KCCI library was a treasure trove of information. We spent hours exploring the shelves, discovering a wide range of books on Korean culture. The library staff was incredibly helpful and knowledgeable, guiding us through the vast collection. We were particularly fascinated by the diverse selection of books that covered various aspects of Korean life and society.

We couldn't leave without trying some delicious Korean food. The lunch we had was absolutely amazing. The food was a delightful blend of flavors and textures that we had never experienced before. We ate different foods like fried rice, chaach, black bean noodles and jeon. It was a truly unique culinary experience that left us wanting more.

Our visit to KCCI was a fantastic opportunity to learn about Korean culture and have fun. We are grateful for the experience and hope to visit again in the future. The cultural immersion we experienced has broadened our horizons and sparked a newfound interest in Korean culture. We will cherish the memories of this unforgettable day for years to come.                                              

Feedback from Students      

My KCCI experience was amazing. I enjoyed a lot playing the Korean instruments, playing the games and enjoying the cafe.- Shanvi Singh (VI A)

My experience was wonderful. I really enjoyed the cafe and the staff was very kind. I also got to know a lot about Korean culture. It was a fun trip.- Prabhav Kumar (VII C)

The entire trip was fun loving and informative. I enjoyed myself with my friends and we really got

deep insights about Korean Culture. – Raena Sharma (VIII C)

Compiled by-Ms. Sabari Maitra (TGT Economics, Ms. Deepti Tiwari (TGT English)

Bhavika Rampal, Dhruvin Shankar, Priyal Jain (Students of VII A)