Date : 07/09/24
Venue : Kidzania, Noida
Attended by : Class I and II students along with their teachers and helping staff

The educational excursion to KidZania, Noida, on September 7, 2024, was an enriching and enjoyable experience for around 320 young students of Class I and II. Accompanied by their teachers and helping staff, the children embarked on a journey of learning through play.

Upon arrival, the students were warmly welcomed by the friendly KidZania staff, who explained the park’s rules and guidelines. Each child was given Kidzos, the park’s currency, to use for various activities and services within KidZania.

The students had the opportunity to explore a wide range of professions through immersive role-playing activities. They could choose from roles such as delivery person, chef, judge, lawyer, police officer, firefighter, DJ, RJ, and farmer. Each role came with specific tasks that the children performed with guidance from the staff. For example, as delivery persons, students transported goods to different locations within KidZania. In the role of chefs, they prepared and served meals at a restaurant. As judges and lawyers, they presided over cases, defended clients, and delivered verdicts

Learning Outcomes

Teamwork and Collaboration: Students learned the importance of working together to achieve common goals.

Responsibility and Independence: The activities encouraged students to take responsibility for their tasks and make independent decisions.

Practical Knowledge: The hands-on experiences provided practical knowledge about various professions and industries.

Financial Literacy: Managing KidZos helped students understand basic financial concepts and the value of money.

Activities and Experiences

Role-Playing Professions:

Fire Station: Students learned about fire safety and the responsibilities of firefighters. They participated in a simulated fire rescue operation.

Hospital: Aspiring doctors and nurses experienced the medical field by performing mock surgeries and learning about patient care.

Aviation Academy: Students took on the roles of pilots and cabin crew, learning about the aviation industry and the importance of teamwork and communication.

Culinary School: Budding chefs got hands-on experience in cooking and baking, understanding the basics of food preparation and hygiene.

Economic Activities:

Students earned KidZos (KidZania’s currency) by participating in various jobs and could spend their earnings on activities or products within KidZania, teaching them about money management and the value of work.

Cultural Exposure:

The mini-city environment provided students with a glimpse into how a city functions, including its economy, governance, and infrastructure.


The educational excursion to KidZania, Noida, was a resounding success. It provided students with valuable insights into various professions and life skills in an interactive and enjoyable manner. Such excursions are highly recommended for their educational benefits and the unique learning experiences they offer.

Kidzania Trip Report

Excursion and Tours